Originally Posted by n david
I know he said that, and I find it ridiculous that someone would say, "Oh please don't be offended, but YOU'RE AN IDIOT. You need brain surgery!"
That's like Rep Wilson telling obama, "Hey Prez, don't be offended, but you're a liar!"
Doesn't work. The offense is there in spite of the pathetic attempt to blunt it.
Really? Why doesn't it work? Was Wilson lying? No, he was telling the truth. Obama was lying.
I understand it's his schtick, his gimmick; however, as was said before, you would think he would mature beyond the crude and juvenile and grow up a bit by now.
But are you trying to change his personality to suit yourself? A lot of problems we feel we have with people is more us wanting them to change because we want it. If he didn't change, I wouldn't care. He has more value to him as a person than something he said and apologized for. I doubt he will ever present himself in that way again and is probably still on the phone explaining and apologizing for his remarks.
Self-control is a fruit of the spirit. As is kindness, love, gentleness -- none of which was exhibited during that clip. He'd do well to exercise a little more of those fruits. If his "passion" is too great for him to control, he shouldn't be preaching at these conferences.
Yes, and we are ALL so kind and patient here ALL the time, aren't we? We are ALL qualified to correct JA.
True, though I doubt he'll change, especially if he continues to get offers to preach at camp meetings and conferences.
If he still gets offers, then I guess people have less of a problem with him than we do, who weren't present in the audience to see how we felt about the delivery. Video clips are not the same as being present.