Re: James Kilgore's Part in the 92 Affirmation Deb
Originally Posted by Apprehended
As I recall, a television station had proposed to bring in their t.v. cameras and televise the G.C. night services free of charge. That proposal was rejected by some, others wanted to allow it since it was free. I don't rightly recall which side of the fence that E. E. McNatt, a prominent Memphis Pastor was on, since as a kid, it didn't matter to me one way or the other. I only remember the stink that Pastor McNatt made over the issue.
I recall later discussing this big issue with Dottie Rambo during one of her concerts later that same year. She was appalled that the UPC let, what she thought was a great opportunity, be lost...especially since every night of the conference would have been televised for free.
That's really all I can recall. At the time the issue was not important to me but the ugly spirit between certain ones deeply impressed me in a negative way. Now that I settled into a conservative conviction against the world and all forms of worldliness, I am happy that the UPC took a stand against t.v. even then.
It was during that same business session that I recall Brother Stanley Chambers, (I believe it was) told of buying a television back in the late 1940s or early 50s. He said that one day while watching that thing he felt conviction against it grip his heart. Behind his house there was a downward sloping hill. He took the television to the brow of the slope and tossed it down the hill and watched it roll away out of his life once and for all. That particularly impressed me and I have never forgotten it. GOD BLESS THE MEMORY OF ELDER CHAMBERS AND HIS GODLY CONVICTIONS.
God Bless this man also. ANyone that listens to God. However we must all understand that not everyone receives this same conviction and governs it in different ways. While we need to applaud those who stand for abstinence to anything that can remotely cause sin, we also must encourage those who don't see it that way to regulate it by the help of the Holy Ghost.
To be able to unite in difference carries more weight than all the opinions the universe can hold