Originally Posted by jfrog
Abraham would have never offered Isaac if he had dead faith. This shows us that even before Abraham offered Isaac that he had living faith. However, before he offered Isaac he had no works that he could use to show/prove his faith. So while "faith without works is dead", the phrase has a very strict meaning in that just because a person hasn't produced works yet it doesn't mean they don't have living faith. For if Abraham is an example then he clearly had living faith before any of his works.
Thus I conclude that lack of works right now does not reveal a dead faith but only a complacency that if sustained will result in revealing the dead nature of a person's faith. However, it only takes a single work to show your faith is still alive
I don't think I could make that statement as Abram obeyed God and left the Ur of the Chaldees. What you are saying, IMO, contradicts the Word.
"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:" Gen. 12:1
"So Abram departed,..." Gen 12:4
"Faith without works is dead." Abraham's faith caused him to obey God when He asked him to leave his people. There is your living faith and doesn't stand alone.
Thus, the Word stands true - "faith without works is dead, being alone."