Originally Posted by Cindy
That is steep even today. I can't imagine what it was back then.
It really was steep!! Maybe that's why it bothered me so much. I don't know. I just know that I lost a great deal of respect for that mother on that day.
Not that I have a problem with people dressing nicely. If I had an adorable little girl like that, I would have wanted to dress her nicely too. But I bet I could have done just as nicely for $25-40 instead of $225.
And I thought at the time that if I had been a totally new person and had overheard this conversation, I would never have come back to that church ever. I believe in supporting the ministry. But I also believe that those receiving the support have
some obligation to be responsible with the way they handle themselves. Just as I believe
each of us have to responsible with the way that handle what God has blessed us with. I can't, in good conscience, pay $225 for a little girl's dress when we have people in our church who are going hungry.