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View Poll Results: Pick option that's closest to your personal faith:
Jesus Name 3-Stepper & Dress Standards (No Pants/Cut Hair/Make-Up for Women) 10 32.26%
Titles 3-Stepper & Dress Standards (No Pants/Cut Hair/Make-Up for Women) 1 3.23%
Jesus Name 3-Stepper & No Dress Standards 9 29.03%
Titles 3-Stepper & No Dress Standards 0 0%
Jesus Name 1-Stepper & Tongues Subsequent Experience for all believers 1 3.23%
Titles 1-Stepper & Tongues Subsequent Experience for all believers 2 6.45%
1 Stepper & No Tongues Necessary/Normal 8 25.81%
Voters: 31. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-19-2013, 02:49 PM
Real Realism's Avatar
Real Realism Real Realism is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 184
Are All the Apostolics Gone from AFF?

I was inspired to post this after reading Epley's latest thread about regretting even posting here anymore, because there are no more Apostolics on the board.

While I currently attend a UPCI church, my inclination is certain against the traditional "Apostolic" church (dress standards are just impossible to defend, IMO...emphasis on tongues is also something I take issue with, though I'm not convinced they're not indicative of the initial evidence...though I'm still prayerfully studying the topic).

The poll has several options to try to take as granular look as possible from the group here. I would have preferred 8 options, but unfortunately the limit is 7, so hopefully that will work.

By "Jesus Name" or "Titles" I mean when you do baptize (regardless of what you believe it's significance is related to salvation/the Christian walk), do you do so in Jesus Name or Titles.

I know these options may still not be granular enough for some, but hopefully there are enough options that you all feel comfortable selecting the one that you most closely identify with. Feel free to discuss if you have variance from the one you selected.

(BTW, for dress standards, I focused on the "holy trinity" for women, because those seem to be the most universal among "Apostolics". More stringent standards for men (facial hair, shorts/no shorts) seem to be more variable. Remember, this is just a request to pick the one that you feel most closely aligns with what you personally believe, even if it's not 100%.)

Also, by "3-Stepper" I mean you believe in saved Christians needing to experience Repentance, Water Baptism, and the Infilling of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in tongues. By "1-Stepper" I mean you believe that saved Christians Repent/Believe in Jesus, but are not "required" to be Baptized or have a tongues-experience with the Holy Ghost infilling.

Last edited by Real Realism; 11-19-2013 at 02:59 PM.
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