Good Biblical verses to back up your opinions. Sadly, the way people are - makes it almost impossible to live a holy enough life for someone not to criticisize. the best we can all do is the best we can do.
Things have changed so much:
1. In the past a kiss before engagement was a no no
2. The man asked permission of the woman's parent's to marry their daughter
3. We didn't believe in or participate in divorce
4. Men actually took care of theri families
5. Right and wrong was an easy thing to determine...
1. Sex before marriage in the norm
2. Parent's have to impress the fiance
3. Divorce is acceptable even in ministry
4. Women support and take care of men and the children
5. Lines of sin and right & wrong are blurred by circumstance and gray areas
It is a sad state of affairs in the church and the world.
The Bible tells us about what will be happening in the last days:
* Children will be disobedient, unthankful, and disrespectful
* Men will be lovers of pleasure and themselves more than others or God
* The saints will be worn by these things from satan.
Blessing Rhoni
None of the things mentioned in the above post have a thing to do with allowing a man not married to us to move in.
It's not being critical if someone questions two single people of the opposite sex living under the same roof.
I can see no good coming from it, no reason for it, and the Scripture cited makes it clear that we should avoid being in a questionable situation.
Your opening post asked for opinions, and I gave mine, for what it's worth...
Really it's a no win situation....... woman moves in with man......they're having an affair....... woman moves in with another woman......she's lesbian....
Man moves in with woman....... can only mean one thing ............ Man moves in with another man...... the woman kicked him out!
I never met a chocolate I didn't like!
*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
Really it's a no win situation....... woman moves in with man......they're having an affair....... woman moves in with another woman......she's lesbian....
Man moves in with woman....... can only mean one thing ............ Man moves in with another man...... the woman kicked him out!
16 Do not therefore let what seems good to you be considered an evil thing [by someone else]. [In other words, do not give occasion for others to criticize that which is justifiable for you.] AMP
I don't get that from this verse. You can't foresee everything that others might think has "the appearance of evil". Rather, I think it means if you aren't doing anything wrong, don't let people say otherwise. Stop the gossip; deflect the accusations. I'm not endorsing (or condemning) roommates of the opposite (or same) sex, but if that's what you are comfortable with, go for it, and don't let anyone give you guff about it. It's your life!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I don't get that from this verse. You can't foresee everything that others might think has "the appearance of evil". Rather, I think it means if you aren't doing anything wrong, don't let people say otherwise. Stop the gossip; deflect the accusations. I'm not endorsing (or condemning) roommates of the opposite (or same) sex, but if that's what you are comfortable with, go for it, and don't let anyone give you guff about it. It's your life!
Well, everyone to their opinion, however, I do see it that way.
I do not understand that verse to be talking about gossip or man's opinions of our deeds.
I look at it as not allowing our well intentioned actions to be thought of in an ungodly manner.
Appearances are everything. An expample: if I went over to my godbrother's home, and his wife was not there, I would not go into the house, choosing to stand outside and talk with him, or coming back at a later time.
It's not because anything might happen...God forbid, but because he is an elder in our church, and his neighbors know this.
It's all about putting our best spiritual foot forward. As Christians it is our duty to remain an example of holiness in every area, and to think that it's our life, and we can do as we please with no regard as to how it will appear to a world we are trying to bring to Christ is not wisdom.
16 Do not therefore let what seems good to you be considered an evil thing [by someone else]. [In other words, do not give occasion for others to criticize that which is justifiable for you.] AMP
If you think it good and justifiable, then don't worry what others say.
Really it's a no win situation....... woman moves in with man......they're having an affair....... woman moves in with another woman......she's lesbian....
Man moves in with woman....... can only mean one thing ............ Man moves in with another man...... the woman kicked him out!
16 Do not therefore let what seems good to you be considered an evil thing [by someone else]. [In other words, do not give occasion for others to criticize that which is justifiable for you.] AMP
If you think it good and justifiable, then don't worry what others say.
I responded to this and came back to make a quick addition, only to find out I didn't submit it...LOL!!
Now I don't have time to get into this...
I do see your point, but IMHO it means to avoid the appearance of that which another might conceive as being evil.
A hard thing to do 24/7, but I think it is something we should at least strive live so that the gainsayer and innocent bystander are without reason in their judgement...gotta run...