In this time when there are so many singles and so many expenses; what is your opinion about a male and female sharing a home in a non-committed, non-sexual, friendship only relationship?
I am just curious because the world thinks nothing of it. What doth the church say?
In this time when there are so many singles and so many expenses; what is your opinion about a male and female sharing a home in a non-committed, non-sexual, friendship only relationship?
I am just curious because the world thinks nothing of it. What doth the church say?
Blessigns, Rhoni
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I think for some it probably wouldn't be an issue. But there's always going to be complications ranging from the toilet seat to romantic feelings. Not to mention that we are commanded to avoid the mere appearance of evil and not to allow our good to be evil spoken of. I think it could ruin the reputations and the witness of both involved because it would look like they were shacked up... or playing with fire at the very least.
Well... isn't THAT special! Time for my superior dance! Hit it Pearl...
Instead of studying to make sure what we believe is supported by Scripture, we MUST study the Scripture to see what IT TEACHES... then BELIEVE THAT!
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2.15 KJV
I think people talk too much. People rent out rooms all the time. I don't think think room mates should be mixed gender due to the lack of privacy it would create.
I think for some it probably wouldn't be an issue. But there's always going to be complications ranging from the toilet seat to romantic feelings. Not to mention that we are commanded to avoid the mere appearance of evil and not to allow our good to be evil spoken of. I think it could ruin the reputations and the witness of both involved because it would look like they were shacked up... or playing with fire at the very least.
I'd advise against it.
Shucks..I was thinking about sharing a house with a UPCI preacher friend...Guess that's out