Originally Posted by stmatthew
It has been stated on AFF in the past that new testament Prophets are allowed to miss it sometimes. While I could understand a novice being tutored would be given some leeway, I have a hard time believing that a "Prophet" would be able to miss it, and remain a Prophet in good standing. If we use this as a rule for Prophets, then would we not have to likewise use it for the rest of the ministry?
Think about it. I go to church not sure whether the Pastor will hit or miss. The Evangelist will come in and maybe he will hit it......then again maybe not. And the Teacher...........one time he teaches sound doctrine, and the next............
Consider the implications that such a belief could bring with it.
What do you think??
If we're comparing the Biblical accounts of Elijah and Elisha, or others from the new testament, are we certain that all of their ministry has been recorded?
Does anyone actually believe that every prophecy just the two (Elijah & Elisha) made was all recorded? I don't believe it is. I think they did much more that wasn't recorded. And I don't believe for a moment that their ministry was 100% perfect.
When someone prophesies over another person, the person being prophesied to has the power to either receive or alter the prophecy. I'm certain that some people have missed the prophecy, not because the prophet was wrong or a false prophet, but maybe due to their spiritual lives or something they did that altered the course of what was prophesied to them.
After all, we are mere human beings with the incredible power of choice. We're not souless robots who automatically receive downloads with no choice.
So answer this: could it be that the person being prophesied over - and not the prophet - messed up when it doesn't come to pass?