Originally Posted by Trouvere
I like the one started about Apostolic Women in the Workplace.I work in an enviroment that is mostly male.I fend off all the hits.Its easier to laugh them off than get offended.I just look at it as worldly men doing what their sin nature dictates.People though without Jesus really are looking for something
special and sometimes they think its the person instead of Jesus.
Sister Rhoni I would like to read some real life scenarios.Sometimes apostolic women
working outside the workplace end up abandoning home and Jesus.Its a sad subject.
I want to address the question in the bolded portion of your quote: There are many areas to cover here so I will go with the one that is closest to me:
Apostolic Women in the Workplace
It would be, may be nicer for Apostolic women to work in the home and church, but many times it is of necessity that Apostolic women are forced into the workplace. This is not to say that some don't CHOOSE to work, because many women feel devalued to be "housewives as well as stay at home mothers". But this is another issue.
Those Apostolic Women who work should know this:
*many of us are sheltered, naive if you would.
*many of us are perceived to be naive, not worldly wise, not knowing the score
*many of us have limited experience working outside the home or church
*many of us don't realize how beautiful worldly men think we are; with our uncut hair, absence of make-up, wearing feminine dresses and skirts, and wearing fancy hairdoes, and sweet smelling perfume be become an obession to many
*many men know how to make a woman feel admired and valued when they don't feel this way in their home from their Apostolic men/husbands
*many Apostolic women are vulnerable/easy targets for men who would like to teach, experience a truly unspoiled by the world - woman
With this said, Apostolic women in the workplace need to know the score, understand the reactions they will get from worldly men, put up appropriate safeguards & boundaries, and let their Christianity/good not be evil spoken of or taken advantage of.
How does the cultural changes regarding divorce abortion, divorce, and women's lib affect Apostolic women?
50% of American marriages end in divorce, the highest increase of divorce, since 1995 has been in Pentecostal ranks, which includes Apostolics. Because of divorce, Apostolic females are left, undereducated, and ill-equipped to take care of their families when poverty level hits post-divorce, and child support is sporatic if at all, even among the Apostolci men who are taught to be providers for their families.
Abortion happens in the church too thanks to Roe VS. Wade. Family/ministry secrets...trying to save face/save ministries and they go against their own teachings to kill the unborm child to safeguard their reputations.
Women's lib has done a number on male as well as female Apostolics...we don't know our rightful place any more. Men are too passive and do not adequately feel the need to support their wives/families finacially, emotionally, or spiritually. Women have had to take the lead, become more assertive than their personality even allows, and have to become 'liberated' in order to survive and function in this world.
These are some of the issues and problems. Rhoni is at work and has much more to say about this matter and will do so at a more opportune time.
Blessings, Rhoni