Well, He finally did it!
Yesterday, (Wed.19th) he went in for total knee replacement surgery on both knees. He was in surgery from 11:00 am til 4:00 pm. They were concerned because of heart damage from a previous heart attack,but Praise the Lord he came through it well. They got him up today to take a few steps. However,he is still in ICU where they can watch him closely. He should be in the hospital for a week and then moved to a rehab center for another two weeks.
Please keep Bishop1 in your prayers.
Oh, and by the way, he wanted me to be sure and tell all of you that he said, When he came out from under anesthesia in the recovery room he was yelling to all the doctors and nurses..."It's Holiness or Hell"!!
Oh and to be sure and let you know...all of his nurses were male...
Sis. Holland