The change is near. The change that Paul spoke of in
I Cor. 15..."Behold I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment and in a twinkling of an eye."
All will not go by the way of the grave. When the time of the change comes there will be some who will begin to step across the line of demarkation from mortal into the immortality. That is very near. Soon, there will be some people who have hid themselve away looking to Jesus, their great heavenly lover, not having been deceived by this world and its folly, neither pleasure or churchanity, are going on over into that change.
Though here, yet they will not be seen. You will not see them any more except they make themselves visible. They will be in another dimension, doing God's bidding in the earth. Soon, they will be gone, but here.
There will not be a revival as we have known them in American. American is weighed in the balance and have been found wanting. She has turned her back on God, having forgotten his love, mercy and divine birth and protection. She must now pass under the rod of judgment. America is weak, our enemies know it. Our enemies are no longer at the gate only, they are now among us. They are afar too.
There is a great thick and very black cloud that has fallen upon our nation. No light is breaking through. The only light that you have is the light that you have been able to store by the oil in your little vessell, waiting out the long night to pass.
What can we do meanwhile? We can remember the whole duty of man which is to fear God and keep His commandments. We must put on Christ and become Christ like, doing good, healing the sick, binding up the wounded, pouring in the oil and wine among all who has been sticken by the theif. We must teach others to do the same and to become lovers of the good, followers of Christ.
Our enemies have planned their stragey for our defeat. In concert, they will attack us within and from without with one sudden furious strike, followed by successive strikes unrelenting. We will be warned but we will be able to do little about it in time. Our cities will burn from coast to coast. Millions will die. Our defeat will seem certain.
While our cities are burning, the battle will be fierce, millions dying, those that have already passed beyond the pale will be very much at work on our behalf. In this grave time of certain defeat, America will begin to remember the power of prayer and repentance. She will go to her knees, repenting, confessing her sins. She will seek to make restitution for her wrongs, going back to the Word of God for wisdom and direction in the face of this certain defeat while cities are burning and foreign forces are occupying the country side with many batallions.
In the midst of her weeping, repenting, confessing, and turning to the Word of God, when it seems that all is lost forever, suddenly, there will be a bright light that will break through the dark sky and a hand will reach toward American. It will be her national salvation.
Suddenly, she will take new courage, with new strength, and the power of the Spirit of God upon her, she will begin turning back the enemy from her shores. The victory will come with great pain and the sacrifice of much blood, but America will in the end prevail over her enemies.
When the smoke of her burning cities are finally cleared, the sound of battle is silenced, and the long line of her defeated enemies stack arms, there will then be a new day in America. It will be a day of righteousness, justice and peace. America will have a new spirit, there will be a new vision. She will then be the great city set upon a hill that Reagan spoke about, for all the world to admire. She will remember that she is a missionary nation. She will send heralds of the kingdom of God world wide. She will be reinvigorated for the cause of good, and righteousness like she has never had, no not since her birth. Godly justice will be her crown and she will seek to instruct the nations in righteousness and justice.
Will there then be a revival in America? No. There will be a new thing in the earth. Something that has never been in the earth before. It can't be a revival for a revival is the reviving of what is ready to die. The church of Jesus Christ will go into a new dimension with God that she has never had before.
This old way of doing church will be gone forever. The righteous will seek the helpless like Jesus did. In fact, they will become like Jesus and will stand in his stead, lifting heavy burndens, leading souls to the city of light, defending the weak, cheering the sad and the lonley, seeking men women and children for righteosness. She will have a new vision of Jesus on the cross and the love that goes forth from that vision and the victory on the other side.
"It will no longer be said, Know the Lord, for all shall know me from the least to the greatest."
For the most part, churches are no longer seeking to follow Jesus. They have their own agendas and concerns, having a form of godliness but it is anything but.... Jesus is walking out of churches, not a few. He is turning to the whosoever will...whosoever will seek to exemplify his life of love and service on a one on one basis, loving others, living a life of charity, of giving and sacrifice.
The change is upon us. Let them that are asleep, sleep is too late to wake them. The cry has gone out but they did not hear it in time...if ever. They tarried but they tarried in their own intoxicated religious stupor while the darkness fell around them.
How does this fit into your escatology? Don't even ask.