Originally Posted by consapente89
Those poor folks must have forgotten their names and addresses. Thank Gpd the prophet was there to remind them!
I am surprised this response comes on an apostolic page!
Did Jesus tell Nathanael something Nathaneal did not know?
Joh 1:47 KJV.. Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
Joh 1:48 KJV.. Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
It is not to inform people of things they already know as though they forgot.
The woman at the well called Jesus a prophet for the same reason:
Joh 4:18-19 KJV.. For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. ..(19).. The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
The purpose of this is to open a person's heart like the woman from South Africa who had anger issues with God. Once Reed told her her son's name and then spoke of her abandonment issues, her heart softened and was healed! It gives people a sense that GOD really does know the number of hairs on their heads, and that is a healing wake up call for many people. It lets them realize how real God is. That woman was in South Africa at the time while nd Reed is in Indiana, and instantly God revealed this. She ended up sending his wife a note later and thanking God over and over again, and it led to her restoration of love for God after having been angry.
Another instance had him tell a woman about the loss of her daughter two years ago. She acknowledged it. He gave the date of the loss, and she was weeping by that time, understandably so, in both memory and appreciation that God let her know He understands her loss. And then Reed told her of the name Elizabeth Anne. and asked her if it was her other daughter or her own sister (the mother's sister). She said she had another daughter Elizabeth and her own sister was Anne. Two people. He then told her that these women were going to minister to her about her grief.
The addresses and street names are things he usually starts out with, and then from there it has awakened their sense of reality of God and his knowledge of the people. (If you had someone say that to you and you said, "So what?" it would be a miracle on its own that you thought so casually of how powerful the gist fo the Spirit really are. It impacts people to have someone be shown these things supernaturally.) Then it moves toward a word about a person's ministry or resolves a problem spiritually with deeper and more spiritual words of knowledge.
Once Jesus told the woman at the well things she already knew and things she did not need to be reminded of due to having not forgotten them, he then had broken barrier between a racist Samaritan who wondered why Jesus a Jew would talk to her, and someone who was so guilt-ridden for adultery with a husband that wa snot her own, which is why she came at the well at noon the hottest time fo the day, to avoid people. And then Jesus led her toward deeper spiritual things about living waters of the Holy Ghost and new birth. Then she went and told the countryside, which very likely was the root of the revival that occurred later when Philip went to Samaria and had a revival in
This is the use and purpose of these revelations. It readies the heart in excited faith to see God work.
It always leads to something beneficial spiritually, not this mockery of telling someone of their addresses thatthey already know, as if it was misapplied good use of a gift.
Come on, guys.