How Hillary escapre prosecution
A contributor to a radio talk show presented this frightening possibility on how Hillary might escape not only prosecution, but any further scrutiny at all concerning "Filegate"
President Obama and AG Lynch summon Hillary to the White House for a top secret meeting. There Hillary tearfully apologizes for her lapse of judgment concerning using a personal server to send messages containing top secret information. President Obama pardons Hillary and orders Lynch to have Hillary's record completely expunged. Legally, it's like Filegate never happened. Thus if anyone continues to scrutinize, investigate or even comment on Filegate, they will be liable for slander. The weak GOP candidates backs right down knowing that to try to make Filegate a campaign issue will lead to prosecution. The disgusted FBI director is warned that to resign in protest will also be viewed as a slander against Hillary making him also liable for prosecution.
Problem solved.
Last edited by Originalist; 01-30-2016 at 11:08 AM.