Ferguson, Missouri, police plan to release the name today of the officer who shot and killed an unarmed teen, leading to days of clashes in the streets of the St. Louis suburb, the town's police chief said.
Police Chief Thomas Jackson told ABC News that authorities will meet later this morning to figure out the best way to release the officer’s name. Police previously declined to identify the officer amid safety concerns.
I don't agree with releasing the name unless he's charged. We saw what happened with George Zimmerman -- how Spike Lee, Whoopi and a bunch of other blacks tweeted out his location, seemingly trying to stir up some kind of violence against him.
Anyone who tweets out the officer's name and address should be arrested. That includes Spike Lee and other idiots like him.
Peaceful protests followed Thursday, after Nixon swapped local and county officers -- many wearing riot gear -- for state highway patrol troopers. Capt. Ron Johnson, the leader of the highway patrol, walked side-by-side with demonstrators Thursday.
“This is my community. A lot of people I saw walking in this march are people that I know,” Johnson said. “So the old saying, 'I’ve got a dog in this fight,' [is true]. I’ve got a big dog in this fight."
Not a bad idea bringing a black cop, who is from Ferguson, in to handle things. His decision to tell the rest of the police force to remove their gas masks and riot gear was a good one, and it worked as the protests last night were much more peaceful than when the county "police" were provoking and stoking the violence with their heavy-handed tactics.
Welcome to the new Amerika. Protect and Serve...right.