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Old 08-19-2013, 09:21 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Congratulations Obama supporters! You voted in a president violating the Constitution BEYOND the Nixon presidency. Part of the articles of impeachment against Nixon included the fact that he HINTED at using the IRS against his political enemies. The Obama presidency has systematically used the IRS against it's political enemies. And the media barely gives it coverage. A Republican doing these things would be crucified in the media.

Then the NSA's illegal surveillances of US citizens phone calls, illegal phone taps of Associated Press reporters, the Benghazi cover up and pressure on CIA employees to keep quiet or lose their jobs, the evidences of abuse of power keep piling up.

And the sycophants keep tooting the man's horn. This is what is wrong with America. Blind political partisanship. Vote for your party. Vote against the other guys. We tried to tell you the man's track record and associations were enough to keep him from the presidency or reelection. The blind lead the blind and both fall into the ditch. Unfortunately it also drags those of who see down with you all.

Shame on all of you who belittled, mocked and self righteously wagged your fingers at us when we tried to warn you of what was to come. And we didn't even scratch the surface.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:02 PM
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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
Congratulations Obama supporters! You voted in a president violating the Constitution BEYOND the Nixon presidency. Part of the articles of impeachment against Nixon included the fact that he HINTED at using the IRS against his political enemies. The Obama presidency has systematically used the IRS against it's political enemies. And the media barely gives it coverage. A Republican doing these things would be crucified in the media.

Then the NSA's illegal surveillances of US citizens phone calls, illegal phone taps of Associated Press reporters, the Benghazi cover up and pressure on CIA employees to keep quiet or lose their jobs, the evidences of abuse of power keep piling up.

And the sycophants keep tooting the man's horn. This is what is wrong with America. Blind political partisanship. Vote for your party. Vote against the other guys. We tried to tell you the man's track record and associations were enough to keep him from the presidency or reelection. The blind lead the blind and both fall into the ditch. Unfortunately it also drags those of who see down with you all.

Shame on all of you who belittled, mocked and self righteously wagged your fingers at us when we tried to warn you of what was to come. And we didn't even scratch the surface.
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Old 08-19-2013, 10:28 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

no evidence of white house involvement in benghazi or the irs. surveillance is supported by more republians than democrats, so why are you trying to pin this on Obama? I don't see any of these so called scandals with any validity or traction, else fox news or the House would be all over it. where are the house investigations now? what evidence have they uncovered? where is fox on all of these so called scandals? the point is, you don't have a point.
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Old 08-20-2013, 09:25 AM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Supposedly Bush knew that Osama Bin Laden was planning a terrorist attack involving planes. People wanted to knock Bush cause he did nothing with the evidence and that he barely went to any intelligence meetings. I have heard that Obama rarely attends intelligence meetings. Why cant he be held to the same standards as other POTUS?
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Old 08-20-2013, 10:26 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Originally Posted by odooley6985 View Post
Supposedly Bush knew that Osama Bin Laden was planning a terrorist attack involving planes. People wanted to knock Bush cause he did nothing with the evidence and that he barely went to any intelligence meetings. I have heard that Obama rarely attends intelligence meetings. Why cant he be held to the same standards as other POTUS?
IIRC, the story was that a flight school in AZ contacted the FAA because they thought a man who was enrolling had a fake pilot's license. FAA said it was real, but the school turned him away. There was also a man in MN who paid a huge amount of cash to learn how to operate a commercial airliner. He was arrested.

Some FBI agent(s) in AZ flagged flight schools as an issue, but it was never followed up on by the higher-ups in DC.

Also, it was late spring or early summer of 2001 when a US military plane went down in China and there was an intense stand-off between the US and China. While some of the data and equipment was destroyed, the Chinese were able to get valuable intel from the plane.

So, within the first 8 months of his Presidency, W not only had to deal with the transition and confirmation of his cabinet; but he also had the military plane issue and then 9/11.

Did W drop the ball? I don't believe he personally did, nor did his Sec of State. The massive failure begins with the FBI bigs in DC not following up on the AZ FBI memo.
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Old 08-20-2013, 10:39 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Originally Posted by n david View Post
IIRC, the story was that a flight school in AZ contacted the FAA because they thought a man who was enrolling had a fake pilot's license. FAA said it was real, but the school turned him away. There was also a man in MN who paid a huge amount of cash to learn how to operate a commercial airliner. He was arrested.

Some FBI agent(s) in AZ flagged flight schools as an issue, but it was never followed up on by the higher-ups in DC.

Also, it was late spring or early summer of 2001 when a US military plane went down in China and there was an intense stand-off between the US and China. While some of the data and equipment was destroyed, the Chinese were able to get valuable intel from the plane.

So, within the first 8 months of his Presidency, W not only had to deal with the transition and confirmation of his cabinet; but he also had the military plane issue and then 9/11.

Did W drop the ball? I don't believe he personally did, nor did his Sec of State. The massive failure begins with the FBI bigs in DC not following up on the AZ FBI memo.
NOt 8 months. Remember, W didn't take office right away because all of the nonsense about the election and Florida. That mess put everything behind so that when W took office he wadn't had the normal 2 months between election and inaurguration to get up to speed. All that was pushed back to after the SC ruled and he was finally named POTUS. So he didn't have 8 months before 9/11 hit.
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Old 08-20-2013, 10:47 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
NOt 8 months. Remember, W didn't take office right away because all of the nonsense about the election and Florida. That mess put everything behind so that when W took office he wadn't had the normal 2 months between election and inaurguration to get up to speed. All that was pushed back to after the SC ruled and he was finally named POTUS. So he didn't have 8 months before 9/11 hit.
He was inaugurated on time....January 20th. SCOTUS made their ruling in December. So there was no delay in W actually getting in office.
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Old 08-20-2013, 12:13 PM
Pliny Pliny is offline
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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
no evidence of white house involvement in benghazi or the irs. surveillance is supported by more republians than democrats, so why are you trying to pin this on Obama? I don't see any of these so called scandals with any validity or traction, else fox news or the House would be all over it. where are the house investigations now? what evidence have they uncovered? where is fox on all of these so called scandals? the point is, you don't have a point.
Whether the WH is involved or not is pointless IMO. They all need to be investigated and all parties need to be exposed regardless of party affiliation, race, religion etc.

Fast and Furious is a criminal act period. I don't care if it was Bush or Obama or anyone else. The perpetrators need to face justice.

Benghazi has three points the demand justice:
1) The murder of Americans and apparent lack of relief. Who gave the order to have help stand down? That person should be fired and relieved of command now and potentially face charges for conspiring to kill American citizens. Whoever did this surely aided and abetted enemies of this nation.

2) The subsequent preordained lie. Perhaps some don't care if the govt. or its leaders lie. I do. It should never be tolerated by any govt. official or party. There can be no trust when the govt. blatantly lies. Whoever, dreamed this up (the lie about the murder being in response to a video) should be fired immediately if not sooner. They should never be allowed into a public position again.

3) The subsequent obstruction of justice. It sounds like there is a concerted effort to keep witnesses from coming forward. If this is true the perpetrators need to be fired immediately and never allowed into any public office ever again - not even dog catcher...

IRS The perpetrators of this should also be fired immediately and held for criminal misuse of their power by defrauding the civil rights of others. They should go to jail and never be allowed into a public office again.

NSA spying. This is a violation of the Constitutional right to privacy and all leaders involved should be fired immediately and face criminal charges for violating the civil rights of the citizens. They should be in jail and never allowed to hold a public office again.

These are not phony scandals as the idiot in chief has proclaimed but serious breeches of the public trust. The POTUS should be the first one demanding action on these and other scandals that I may have missed, there seems to be so many! He is supposed to be the chief law enforcement officer. Instead he takes multi-million dollar vacations and rewrites laws anytime he wants to - Obamcare for instance. He has no authority to delay implementation. It was a law passed by Congress and he signed into law. He does not have the authority to change it. That power resides in the House not the executive branch.

I can't stand Obama or Obamacare but that has no bearing on these scandals. To say these scandals have no validity is total ignorance of the Constitution and personal rights vs. govt. rights. Enshrined within the Constitution is the right of the individual over the rights of the govt. We are innocent until proven guilty for example. The govt. has no right to search and seize property unless there is probable cause and/or a warrant. Being a citizen of this country living within these borders does not make a person guilty nor does it give the govt. the right to search or seize any information from the citizenry. Whether Obama is implicated in any of these or not matters little. They all need to be investigated and the perpetrators need to face justice for their acts. It does not matter what a "news" organization does or does not do. They are often used as tools of propaganda by tyrannical governments.
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Old 08-21-2013, 06:06 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Originally Posted by n david View Post
He was inaugurated on time....January 20th. SCOTUS made their ruling in December. So there was no delay in W actually getting in office.
Hmm...I could almost swear that it lingered on longer than that. It was 13 years ago, but it just feels like it was a longer mess than that. Oh well. If I am wrong, I am wrong.
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Old 08-21-2013, 08:57 AM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

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Re: Scandal After Scandal: Obama Presidency a Mess

Originally Posted by Pliny View Post
Whether the WH is involved or not is pointless IMO. They all need to be investigated and all parties need to be exposed regardless of party affiliation, race, religion etc.

Fast and Furious is a criminal act period. I don't care if it was Bush or Obama or anyone else. The perpetrators need to face justice.

Benghazi has three points the demand justice:
1) The murder of Americans and apparent lack of relief. Who gave the order to have help stand down? That person should be fired and relieved of command now and potentially face charges for conspiring to kill American citizens. Whoever did this surely aided and abetted enemies of this nation.

2) The subsequent preordained lie. Perhaps some don't care if the govt. or its leaders lie. I do. It should never be tolerated by any govt. official or party. There can be no trust when the govt. blatantly lies. Whoever, dreamed this up (the lie about the murder being in response to a video) should be fired immediately if not sooner. They should never be allowed into a public position again.

3) The subsequent obstruction of justice. It sounds like there is a concerted effort to keep witnesses from coming forward. If this is true the perpetrators need to be fired immediately and never allowed into any public office ever again - not even dog catcher...

IRS The perpetrators of this should also be fired immediately and held for criminal misuse of their power by defrauding the civil rights of others. They should go to jail and never be allowed into a public office again.

NSA spying. This is a violation of the Constitutional right to privacy and all leaders involved should be fired immediately and face criminal charges for violating the civil rights of the citizens. They should be in jail and never allowed to hold a public office again.

These are not phony scandals as the idiot in chief has proclaimed but serious breeches of the public trust. The POTUS should be the first one demanding action on these and other scandals that I may have missed, there seems to be so many! He is supposed to be the chief law enforcement officer. Instead he takes multi-million dollar vacations and rewrites laws anytime he wants to - Obamcare for instance. He has no authority to delay implementation. It was a law passed by Congress and he signed into law. He does not have the authority to change it. That power resides in the House not the executive branch.

I can't stand Obama or Obamacare but that has no bearing on these scandals. To say these scandals have no validity is total ignorance of the Constitution and personal rights vs. govt. rights. Enshrined within the Constitution is the right of the individual over the rights of the govt. We are innocent until proven guilty for example. The govt. has no right to search and seize property unless there is probable cause and/or a warrant. Being a citizen of this country living within these borders does not make a person guilty nor does it give the govt. the right to search or seize any information from the citizenry. Whether Obama is implicated in any of these or not matters little. They all need to be investigated and the perpetrators need to face justice for their acts. It does not matter what a "news" organization does or does not do. They are often used as tools of propaganda by tyrannical governments.
There is no proof that Obama was directly tied to any of these scandals save fast n furious. That still doesnt excuse him. Its his Whitehouse. He should be getting to the bottom of all of it.

That being said, and please dont mistake this for partisan politics, but Obama has nothing on Bush in terms of scandals. There is no comparison. His first election, 9/11, and the war in Iraq pale any Obama scandal. The evidence is there that Bush family was buddy buddy with the Bin Laden and that the Saudi's invested in the Bush family defense company right before 9/11. 9/11 was used as a pretext for war in two countries making defense companies with ties to the Bin Laden's,Bush's, and Saudi's hundreds of billions all while costing thousands of lifes, Benghazi death toll was just another day in Iraq war, and putting this country in hundreds of billions in debt. And not to mention the Patriot Act was passed by Bush. Can anyone really stick up for GW?

We shouldnt as a country and people put up with any of it though.

Last edited by odooley6985; 08-21-2013 at 09:00 AM.
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