Phony Scandals..... Pleeeeease!
Phony Scandals..... Pleeeeease! What has this White House come to now? Obama and Carney, (Press Secretary) both, back to back, promoting that all that’s going on is “Phony Scandals!” Is America this stupid? Can the President and his Press Secretary get by with this?
1) Fast & Furious — Tell the family of the Agent that was killed by guns from his own country, that had been transported to Mexico, “That it was a Phony Scandal?” I don’t think so!
2) Bengazi — Tell the four families that lost a loved one! Tell the folks that were wounded there and have been forbidden to talk about it. Oh, that’s right, “What does it matter now?” Oh, wait, “The Video Story”, now that was “Phony!”
3) IRS — Over 200 conservative 501 (c) 3’s and 501 (c) 4’s that were denied, delayed and in some cases asked questions that were illegal..(For example, Richmond Tea Party was asked 55 illegal questions). Lies and Perjury before the committee hearings. A leader of the IRS that refused to testify (5th Amendment), and is on leave still getting paid! Now that’s a “Real Scandal!”
4) NSA — Spying on America and building a new complex of buildings in Nevada to store all of the information they are gathering in their spying.
5) Snowden — Hummn, seems like some of the things that he is illegally revealing is secrets that have been hid from America and even hid from many of the “Paid Politicians” in Washington.
6) Obama destroying the Constitution. (Often!)
7) $17 trillion dollar national debt — Oh yea, Obama said he’d cut the debt in half in his first term, didn’t he? How’s that going?
8) Medicare being robbed in greater measure than ever before. Dead people, people in prison, and unqualified people that walk down the streets of America every day receiving funds. Businesses that charge for procedures they never performed!
9) Obama phones! Now that's a "ringing" idea! (Phones that are being sold to buy drugs!)
10) Food stamps, welfare and other freebies in an overwhelming increase. Greater than anytime before in the history of our nation.
11) In 2011 Obama said they had saved Detroit from Bankruptcy. Oh yea! How is that coming along Mr. President? He said the auto industry was booming, was over the top. Tell Detroit that!
12) Obamacare!!!! Oh yes! Let’s see, didn’t one of the Democrat leaders that helped put this hugh 20 thousand page “Phony Program” together say it was now a train wreck, about to happen. Whoa! This is a "Real Scandal!"
13) And speaking of “Phony”, Obama swearing to uphold the constitution. He’s breaking the law when he decides he can postpone a law that was passed by Congress, that was suppose to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2014, and he just decides when he will put it in to law himself.
14) And have you forgot about the Black Panthers standing at the voting booth in an earlier election, (and Holder refusing to prosecute them) and now Obama and Holder are challenging the higher courts on their ruling concerning voting laws in Texas.
15) And what about Obama sticking his nose into the court system that found Zimmerman “NOT GUILTY.” Time for another “Beer Summit” at the White House, I guess!
Let me end this by speaking directly to Phony Scandals! Jackson and Sharpton! Now that’s two phony scandals! And did you know that “Rev.” Sharpton is promoting “Lil Wayne” one of the most filthy mouthed rappers singing to our kids in America.
America...... WAKE UP! The Main Stream Media, (Phony Media!) is going to allow this Administration to call any thing that is brought against them, "Phony!"
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine
Last edited by BeenThinkin; 07-26-2013 at 11:19 PM.