Originally Posted by odooley6985
Yep... you can't ignore facts. But you can sure make stats sing any song you want them to sing.
Everybody takes the stats and they twist them to say whatever their tiny agenda is while the truth of the fact is that both sides are spending us into oblivion.
One side is for war spending (Which has continued nicely under Obama) and the other side wants to provide every crazy social program they can dream up.
The fact is that the federal government is so unbelievably overblown and so completely gone beyond it's authority and place that there's nearly no way back to good common sense.
On these nicely glued together stats... as is usual with the democratic side of this 2 sided steam roller that is crushing this nation... you can't just total up how much revenue was "missed" on a tax cut. That isn't the way it works. Lower taxes spurs business and there is no dollar for dollar loss which can be calculated by simply multiplying the tax cuts by the number of people.
But... that's the agenda people want to support so they plug & play all day long with stats. The republicans are just as guilty.
We don't need a new view on the role of the federal government. We need a return to an old view of the role of the federal government,.