Re: Two Sides To Every Coin
There are two sides to every coin Matt, because the fleshly, sinful nature dwells in us, along with our spirit, which has a conscience.
Our conscience will prick us to do the right thing sometimes and work against our flesh, thus you see many "good" people in the world, who do "good" things, but don't have Christ Jesus living in their hearts.
But it is not until we are filled with the SPIRIT of Jesus Christ that we can began to really work on our fleshly desires and motives, attitudes, thoughts, deeds and actions, and begin to allow the life of Christ to transform us into a new creature.
Indeed, good and evil dwell in each and every one of us... in you.. in me... and in that sweet little baby boy you mention.
It is hard sometimes to separate the two, to believe that a madman like Hitler as evil as he was, also had a "good" side to him. He was quite charasmatic as a leader, and people believed in him. Yet, the evil side prevailed, and what demonic things he did were because of that human sinful nature of his, which quit listening to his conscience, and of course, he never allowed the Spirit of God to transform his heart. So evil prevailed in Hitler's life, because he allowed it to.
And you can look down through the portals and ages of history, and you will find that each and every good man was not ALL good, except for Jesus Christ. Look at Martin Luther, John Wesley, our presidents of this great country and so on.... yet Jesus alone holds the clear record and is the example for us all to follow. Even the disciples were full of faults - Peter was full of them, as were Paul, John, and the others.
So you see, it is how you as an individual allow the Spirit of Christ to transform your heart that will determine how much "flesh" is allowed to rule in your life.
Again, we each have within us the ability to do good, and to do evil.
And so, each one of us must make a conscious choice to allow the Spirit of Jesus to prevail in our hearts and lives, and to deny our fleshly desires, wishes and thoughts, in order that the fruit of the spirit would be most evident in our lives, so that the goodness of Jesus can shine through us, despite our imperfections, and failures.
Your observation is correct, there is a good and bad side to every coin/person. It is good to realize, and to know that we are all sinners, all desperately in need of the loving mercy of Jesus. His mercy and love are a gift outstretched to us, but we must accept it, and put it to use in our lives, otherwise it becomes meaningless.
The only difference between the good/bad sides of the coin, is which side of the coin are YOU going to choose to be the "head" in your life?