News from Sister Alvear
"The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed" -- Hudson Taylor
Dear Friends in the Homeland:
Never in all my life have I seen such a regional convention in Brazil! Beginning Friday night the church was completely full! The praise and worship was heavenly. I marveled at how our people have grown in the Lord. Each group that took part had carefully prepared with much prayer and fasting. We had been working all week naturally and spiritually getting things ready for the great explosion of God’s presence. And sure enough it came. I cannot tell you what the early 1900’s was like but I can tell you that for 3 days we were compassed, empowered, surrounded, filled …by a power much greater than our own power. That power drew the sinners to the alter, that power came upon the believers and some even fell out in the spirit for hours, others received miraculous healings and answers to life’s problems. The whole church from the door to the platform vibrated with the power of God. I wish you could have seen the look of sincerity on the faces of the youth choir as they sung the ole songs of Zion. How beautiful they were in this lust drug ridden world…a breath of fresh air to see them pure and holy with hands raised in the air worshipping the creator of the universe.
Then to see 40 sister choir sing all dressed alike in rhythm that only Brazilians have singing unto the Lord with such joy. Each choir, youth group, each church represented was highly anointed. I have never seen anything like it in 40 years of ministry. There is really no way I could put it on paper how the spirit of the Lord flowed in our mist.
Everything exciting that you could dream about a convention happened! The glory of the Lord filled the place. The church alters were full each time it was time to pray. Souls received the Holy Ghost. I guess we can't understand God's power until we have to depend on Him radically and we have to do just that here in Brazil. We cannot achieve God's best for our life until we've made this decision to throw caution to the wind and follow our heart. This was the path that Jesus asked his twelve disciples to walk. It is the path that he asks those of us who are his modern-day disciples to walk upon as well. We prepared for the convention without even knowing where we would get money to feed all the people much less help the poorest with their fares but we made plans like we had all the funds in the world and every need up to this minute has been supplied by God’s faithful giving people. We are deeply thankful for your sacrifice to help us. May you know how deep God’s love flows for each of you!
Our hearts are running over with joy. Friday through Sunday night we enjoyed the biggest and best convention we have ever had here. Every service was filled with the mighty wonder working power of our God.
Sixteen precious souls were baptized in water and lots received the Holy Ghost. A trinity pastor and his whole family were baptized in Jesus Name.
We feel that many things were accomplished during our convention. Following the convention we had a special leaders meeting where we divided Brazil up into more regions so we can be more effective and reach further into the darkness and bring light.
Can I challenge you to come to help us in Missions in Brazil? We need helpers! Missions are not for the weak hearted for they soon return. Missions are for strong determined Christians.
Teams of Christians are needed to help equip the locals for ministry. Including: Bible Studies, outreach, care-giving, and establish self help projects.
We need more equipment for our pastors to reach into these forgotten villages.
This extreme Mission outreach is what we feel to do in these last days reach this generation of Brazilians with the amazing gospel of Jesus. That can only be done with your help.
Our son Arlei needs not only funds BUT PEOPLE to help him in his north Brazil outreach. You can come for any amount of time. Anyone can clean, give out tracts, smile, hug a hurting heart, give a piece of bread to a hungry child.
It has proved true that God will bless uncompromised, persistent, constant truth telling and gospel preaching. And I continue to believe that it is essential, effective, and our duty that we deliver the truth right to those who need to hear it. That is why we put such an emphasis on open-air preaching, gospel tract distribution, and the public display of spiritual worship and Bible teaching in every service.
I think of the scripture that teaches, “He who keeps his life will lose it and he who gives his life will find it." Today there are effective, experienced missionaries who don't have to travel thousands of miles to get to the field. They don't have to go to language school, apply for a visa, adjust to a strange diet, or spend years on the deputation trail. These missionaries are the faithful pastors, evangelists, and Christian workers that work right beside us here in Brazil. Equipping these leaders to reach their countrymen with the Gospel and to preach Christ where He is not known --this is the heart of our mission. In July we are having a mission’s conference and it is our goal to be able with your help to send out more national missionaries and have more Americans coming for short time stays to help in various fields of labor.
Thank you for your partnership that keeps us on the front lines. Thank you for believing in this ministry and praying for us. We are so grateful to have you as part of our prayer team.
We are willing to tell…Will you help us have the means to go and tell?
Your friends:
Brother and Sister Alvear
PS Please pray about helping us raise the money to pay for the new motor for our church bus and all the expenses involved in getting it fixed. Thanks to all those who have already sent in.