Nice folks and I did see them coming down the street so we were ready.
They have a different bible. The man wanted to read the Lords prayer to me. I asked him if he was born again. I asked if he was assured of salvation and he said no. Only God knows. He said they believed healing miracles had ceased. He said speaking in tongues had ceased. I pushed him a little regarding Jesus conversation in John regarding born of the spirit.
He acted totally unaware of
Acts 19 and being filled with the Holy Ghost. He couldn't tell me when it ended. I witnessed to him about some medical miracles in detail and he wanted to leave. I asked if I could pray for them. He said NO.
When he touched on Corinthians and tongues and healings ceased, I asked him what he thought about knowledge vanISHing also.
After they left, I looked it up and their women pray silently and the men pray aloud. He did say he prayed to Jehovah. I said I did also. I think I pray to Jehovah and see miracles because of my measure of faith. He asked me about God answering prayer. I told Him God answeres every prayer. Some times the answer is delayed. he thought he would catch me when he asked why God didn't heal every time. I asked him if he was familiar with Pauls thorn in the flesh and If God decided he could use Paul for healing and could choose to let Paul have suffiecient grace to deal with the thorn.
These folks are trying to work for salvation and earn it and really don't feel peace and hope.