I Can't Shake This Fire Burning Deep In My Heart
The Thread title is a line from Hillsong's "Tear Down The Walls."
I feel that way about what God is doing in my family right now. So it got me to thinking about the surge of "buring" that we feel as believer's of the Most High King.
So I wanted to pose a question to everyone that chooses to answer. What is a moment(s) that you have felt that "burning" that if you close your eyes you could still feel that feeling? Was the moment when you were prophetic? Was it the first time you saw your child for the first time? What I was thinking was moments where something happened and you could feel it deep inside your soul/spirit and it is a feeling that you will never forget. I just thought that this might lead to some cool stories, if you all feel comfortable enough to share the experiences.
One of mine is where God is leading my family at this moment. While I can feel it because it is a current feeling it is the same feeling I felt when I first dreamed of this happening to us. But the dream was long ago. Any way feel free to chime in.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.