Originally Posted by UltraCon
You contradict yourself
I agree. A yes or no answer is always predicated with a bunch of "What If's".
This is the exact threshold that causes many to question Religion, and, keeps those who are dogmatic about Faith and a particular belief at arms distance from those who know what they're talking about.
It's easy to corner the ignorant with a definitive answer, but the educated bring contrast into the picture, causing the Religious World to squirm by revealing greater facts through measurable arguments regarding the Bible, Culture, History, and Science.
Getting a solid answer concerning who is saved or lost is, well, basically not known. We simply do our best with what we know, but to be quite frank, none of us do know because none of us have been there. I have noticed, Apostolics years ago were much more precise in telling people, “UNLESS you do this or that, you won’t make it”. Today, we are seeing a dramatic shift away from such dogma, even by those who consider themselves Conservative.
Baptism is required by many, and not required by many others, and they both will argue the point as long as we are on this Planet building Religion. In the end, I think we are all in for a big surprise.