Originally Posted by Trouvere
hey thats Brother Sam and his wife in that picture.Whew you were younguns.
She was 18 and I was 21 and our first child was born in November of that year. We did not have a car but had a ride to Indianapolis from someone else (a preacher in that organization) who was going up there. We were there for a Saturday night service, then the other preacher left. We spent the night with the pastor and his wife. They lived in a garage that was on the property of one of the church members. It was one room but they had some curtains around the part where their bed was. My wife and I slept on a lumpy couch. Next day after Sunday morning service we rode a bus the 100 miles back to Cincinnati. I was not affiliated with that organization at the time but had recently been licensed by The Church of Jesus Christ (Bishop Mark Lawson was Presiding Bishop). The church we visited in Indianapolis was called The Church of Jesus Christ and was pastored by Bishop G.R. Brock who was Presiding Bishop of an organization named The Church of Jesus Christ Pentecostal Faith.
Bishop Mark Lawson chartered The Church of Jesus Christ back in 1927. Since then it has split and fragmented several times. Many of the split groups use the term "Church of Jesus Christ" in their name. Bishop Boyd Lawson (son of the late Bishop Mark Lawson) is Presiding Bishop of The Churches of Jesus Christ International in Cleveland, TN. Their web site (for those who may not know it) is:
And even though they have modified the name of the organization somewhat and do not use "The Banner of Love" for their official publication, they still reference the 1927 charter date and their license/credential uses the name "The Church of Jesus Christ."