Originally Posted by Praxeas
The Subjective Truth....
We live in a day and age where even Christians believe "what's truth for you may not be truth for me"...which makes God a rather subjective being. Is there an absolute truth?
And even more direct, on the subject of baptism, if baptism does not save how important is it to do it the way God wants it to be done Or does it matter?
Is there a right way to baptize or is that subjective? And if there was a right way in scriptures and a specific practice the early church went with...how important is that truth? Can you be saved and not have a love or desire to know the truth and obey it?
How important is loving your neighbor?
How important is being a good steward?
How important is living a consecrated life?
How important is prayer in life of a Christian?
How important is fasting?
How important is not provoking your child unto anger?
How important is it to obey your parents?
How important is it to love your spouse?
How important is it to read and study God's Word?
How important is it to not forsake the assembly of the brethren?
How important is it to lay hands in the Apostolic model?
How important is it to have a relationship with Christ?
How important is it to submit to authority?
How important is it not to commit adultery?
How important is it not lie? cheat? steal?
How important is it not to use God's name in vain?
How important is it not to curse?
How important is to love your enemy?
How important is to remember the Lord's supper?
How important is to give cheerfully?
How important is it sing a new song?
How important is it to KNOW WHAT IT IS GOOD and not do it?