I've just recently translated a few verses that say this. Mostly because I had the same question.
To begin with...I found out that the word used for "hear" in
Deut 6:4 means "hear, understand, and obey".
So the next verse, where it says "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might" it's telling you what to do about the fact that the Lord our God is one God.
Now, that whole one God thing? Is awesome. He's one God, that's beyond a doubt what it's saying. One, only one. But He's one by the binding and twisting together of the many attributes that are a part of Him. Elohim carries the meaning "God, His majesties". It's a plural word because in Hebraic thought, using the singular word there would mean it's an idol, a god with one face, one aspect, one way it looks forever. Plural means God has character, He's multifaceted, magnificent in many ways. So, He's one by the binding and twisting together of all the things that make him God.
So now we know God's telling us to love Him because He's awesome. Probably not doing a lot to look less vain just yet.
The word for love is a very intense word. It means to desire, to breathe after, to love, an intimate friend, to delight in anyone or anything. It's a sound more than a word...Ahav. A sigh..the sound of breathing in and out, the greater the sound, the greater the passion.
I translated
Deut 6:5 as: And desire, breathe after, love and delight in this same Yahveh God with the totality of your heart, intellect, wisdom, emotions, will and purpose and with the totality of your breath, life, and soul, and with the totality of your strength.
Still not really coming together here. But, I had translated a verse before that goes like this: Because your love, desire, favor and zeal towards me is better and more beautiful than life I will speak words of soothing praise to you. (
Psalm 63:3)
I just found another verse tonight that I'm going to translate.
Jeremiah 31:3 KJV: The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, [saying], Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
The word for lovingkindness is the same as in
Psalm 63:3. It means desire, ardor, zeal towards anyone, kindness, benevolence. Mercy and pity when referring to those in misfortune. It's the eager pursuit of someone stemming from an intense, passionate love for them.
The word for love in
Jer 31:3 is ahav again. Both times. In Hebrew, when a word is used twice like that..it's multiplication. Love multiplied upon love.
Ok, now my thoughts on this? I don't see God as commanding us to love Him.
Why does God want us to love Him? Because He loves us more than we could ever comprehend. I really don't see any commands when I look at this. I see Him asking..trying desperately to make us understand how much He loves us and desires a relationship with us. He's established things as they are, He won't overrule our free will. It really is up to us if we want to be in a relationship with Him or not. But it's what He desires more than anything else...it's why He died for us.
Why worship? Because it's part of that love relationship. Reach out to Him, He'll reach out to you. Touch Him, He'll touch you. It's all about giving Him the opportunity to touch you and show you how much He loves you.
Originally Posted by COOPER
Do you like being commanded to love God?
.....Please do not take this wrong.
If it was any one else but God.....it would be absurd.
Why does God command us to love him and want us to worship him?
.......Jesus did not have the 12 disciples Bowing at his feet every day.
The true question is.......
Is God that vain? What do you think God would say?