....Also remember Eric Stanley the Marine son of our former sound guy here at Christ Church Nashville.
He is on his first tour in Iraq and last Tuesday his Sarge was killed by a sniper. Like my son was I believe Eric is in either Ramadi or Fallujah, both very bad places.
Good news! Eric Stanley arrived home safely from the Al Anbar province of Iraq about two weeks ago.
He is part of a Marine Reserve unit based in Nasvhille. They did lose their platoon Sargeant just a couple of weeks prior to coming home. The Sarge was about 30 years old and it was his second tour of duty.
The slain Marine's parents met the rest of their son's fellow Marines at their return celebration and spoke about how proud they were and their son had been of the Marines he served with.
I know Eric's dad, Don Stanely, would like to thank everybody at AFF that prayed for his son.