is building a new home for a family here in our area this week. This has been so much fun!! They are the main subject of the news every night lately. It's soooooooooo good to hear good news instead of all of the bad stuff!
My nephew and my cousin's husband are both working on the crew that are tearing down the home tomorrow. And my nephew's girlfriend's father drove the limo that took the family up to Detroit to fly out for their vacation.
This family is a Toledo firefighter and his wife. They have 3 biological children and 8 adopted. 5 of the eight are adopted from Haiti and the other 3 are from Toledo.
Have any of you ever had Extreme Makeover come to your area? Were you part of the experience?
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
is building a new home for a family here in our area this week. This has been so much fun!! They are the main subject of the news every night lately. It's soooooooooo good to hear good news instead of all of the bad stuff!
My nephew and my cousin's husband are both working on the crew that are tearing down the home tomorrow. And my nephew's girlfriend's father drove the limo that took the family up to Detroit to fly out for their vacation.
This family is a Toledo firefighter and his wife. They have 3 biological children and 8 adopted. 5 of the eight are adopted from Haiti and the other 3 are from Toledo.
Have any of you ever had Extreme Makeover come to your area? Were you part of the experience?
No, but I hope you can get some autographs and maybe even pics..........That is my favorite show!!!!!!!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
I watched it the other day, I think it was a rerun, but it was a mom with seven kids. The dad had passed away 3 years before and I was awed at all they did, and how the neighborhood backed them up also. It's a great show. I think I'm going to watch all the time.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
We had one about 2 1/2 miles from where I live, a few years back, it was really exciting. I would drive past it everyday to see what had happened. It was a young mother with two children, who was trying to keep her husbands family farm going after he was killed in an accident driving his tractor.
It was very moving! A couple of months after it was filmed, I was sitting at a stoplight by my house and I glanced over at the lady in a truck next to me. I was thinking, how do I know this woman, and then I realized it was her! Her face had been all over the paper for several weeks and I felt like I knew her.
Her kids actually went to school with my nephew, and my aunt worked with her mother-in-law. It is neat when it happens in your community!
We had one about 2 1/2 miles from where I live, a few years back, it was really exciting. I would drive past it everyday to see what had happened. It was a young mother with two children, who was trying to keep her husbands family farm going after he was killed in an accident driving his tractor.
It was very moving! A couple of months after it was filmed, I was sitting at a stoplight by my house and I glanced over at the lady in a truck next to me. I was thinking, how do I know this woman, and then I realized it was her! Her face had been all over the paper for several weeks and I felt like I knew her.
Her kids actually went to school with my nephew, and my aunt worked with her mother-in-law. It is neat when it happens in your community!
Wow...I remember that one. We watch the show every week (when it is new) and have since the first episode that was done for a soldier's family right when OIF started. My hubby was in Iraq at the time too, and I bawled like a baby when the little boy saw his daddy!
My biological mom and dad were involved in one and they absolutely loved it! There was a family in Mo. who had a home for special needs kids... they built them a new home for them and a new home for the family. It was in Purdy or right near there and the lady is one of my moms best friends and they were the ones who sent in the video and got the mayor and a lot of others sending in videos and they also helped and my dads trucking co. hired out all the trucks to transport everything for them... She has pics of a day by day account of how everything was done and she would call me every day and tell me about it and I told her I just want to say hey to Ty.. so one day she called me and he yelled thru the bullhorn and said hi to me LOL... it was very funny.. one of those just had to be there moments...
The episode with Camp Barnabas (MO) was down the road from my in laws and is next door to where my husband and i lived when we first got married.
We had went to school with the couple's children and my husband had spent a lot of time down at the camp.
We wanted to be involved so bad but we had too much going at that exact time.
That is too cool! Wish you could have done it. I heard it was wonderful. I have met a lot of the people from CB and its awesome.... thanks tho cuz I just could not remember the name of the camp have been trying to call my mom and she isnt home.. one of those I cant remember and it will drive me nuts moments LOL
I'm not much of a crowd person so there is no way I want to go to the build site. But my nephew and my cousin's husband helped with the tear down. And one of my daycare kid's dad spent the entire night last night working on the plumbing. He's sleeping right now and is scheduled to go back again tonight to help again. My nephew's girlfriend's father drove the limo that took the family to Detroit.
5 of the adopted boys that this family has are from Haiti. Because of the hurricane that just went thru devastating things there, they are doing a huge drive to get together things to send down there - toiletries, cleaning supplies, non-perishable foods, clothing for children ages 2-28.
There are also all kinds of fund raisers going here to raise money for the family. Things like one company does machine embroidery. They donated 5000 hats and put the logo for Extreme Makeover Home Edition on them. They're selling for $15 each and the family will get all of the money.
It's enjoyable to watch our local news this week! Imagine that!!
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !