Have you ever violated your own principles on this or another forum and felt quilty about it even though you may have not violated a specific rule?
I have always had this thing about the forum being honest discourse. I personally find the idea of creating a new screen name and pretending to be a new poster, someone who you are not, to be just lying.
Now I am not confessing to having done that because to the best of my recollection (as a famous ex and now dead President once said) I have never done that.
However along the lines of having honest discourse I do have one moment of shame.
Some time ago, I believe it was on NFCF, things had gotten pretty boring for a few days. An ultra con elder highly respected PM'd me and suggested we get a good fight going. I was a little reluctant but on a whim went for it.
He and I went at it with no holds barred. It was really funny because we got as close to the line in insults, etc that you could get without getting banned. All the while we were laughing our heads off behiind the scenes in PM's.
The guilt set in when several of my friends and even posters who did not know me well were offended by the other man's remarks and strongly took to my defense both on the thread with posts and in private PM's.
I felt terrible, like a liar and a total heel. I probably should have confessed but I didn't as I didn't want my confession to affect the other poster.
I guess the bottom line is that messing with the truth, even when it is a joke, affects other people and could damage your credibility.
My husband has a screen name... he rarely gets on. One time there was a poll that I felt strongly about and so I signed in on his too and voted. Then felt like dirt for a week because even though it was "just a forum" these folk are my friends and I had lied! Yes it is a big deal to me and I will say that altho I thought the poster who had his alter exposed llast night was someone else. I never liked that alter nic because of the fact it was lying... and I am that way with any alter nic... because I lose an amount of trust with that person because I feel they are lying!
My husband has a screen name... he rarely gets on. One time there was a poll that I felt strongly about and so I signed in on his too and voted. Then felt like dirt for a week because even though it was "just a forum" these folk are my friends and I had lied! Yes it is a big deal to me and I will say that altho I thought the poster who had his alter exposed llast night was someone else. I never liked that alter nic because of the fact it was lying... and I am that way with any alter nic... because I lose an amount of trust with that person because I feel they are lying!
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
I get upset when I find out I have been posting to a figment of someone's imagination, or a screen name someone made up just to play games with people. Yes, I have had other screen names in the past myself. Churchlady was one of them. However, I never hid the fact that it was actually me behind any screen name I've used. Don't know that I could hide it for very long even if I wanted to.