Home Address
Post Office Box 797
Jonesville, La. 71343
When we all do our work to the glory of God, “the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (
Eph. 4:16).
Dear Friends in the Homeland:
Mission work is our breath, our calling and the reason we exist. For 40 years we have worked in His harvest fields. We have shared with you both our victories and defeat our blessings and our trials.
There is something I would like to share with you all. It is very personal but we desperately your help.
I guess due to high gas prices, the threat of recession several of our faithful supporters that promised to help us build a church were unable to. We counted that they would since they had promised and went ahead and borrowed the money and built the church and the other projects. Because they were not able to give what they promised we have been left with a 12 thousand dollar debt that we have no possible way of paying. I am once again asking if you could help us. I have had a migraine all day so worried about this as Bro Alvear and myself are not in good health. I felt if I would write God would speak to hearts to help us out of this bind.
As a missionary, I often struggle with the task of writing specific prayer requests that creatively communicate the very real needs that our families face. This week has been a week that we have really had to trust God for every meal and every drop of gas…the barrel has been so empty. I am usually such an up person but this week and things we have been going through financially has cast such a gloom that even I have had to rebuke. I know God has an answer for each of us. Each time I sit down to write, it is my desire to challenge the reader to participate with us as a partner, especially when it reflects the need for additional support. I know battles are not won by tricks, or by good luck but by the real presence of the Lord. God uses men and women to be His channels to supply the needs of His work.
We have encountered many difficult and dangerous obstacles on our journey but we can say we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.
“Mission is the very lifeblood of the church. As the body cannot survive without blood, so the church cannot survive without mission.”
Thank you so much for your financial support, faithful prayer and frequent encouragement which has kept us on the front line of the mission field, lifting up Jesus Christ over Brazil and beyond for 40 years! We appreciate you and love you all. Together we are making a difference for the cause of Christ!
Just writing this letter even though tears have blurred my eyes a couple of time because the burden is so heavy right now but He has promised to never put more on us than we can bear. When I look at the host of saved souls I know it is worth it even though the road has been very rough at times. Will you please help us?
We remain your voices in Brazil:
Brother Raul and Janice Alvear