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Old 02-29-2008, 10:21 PM
webe123 webe123 is offline
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Does anyone know the lyrics to "Get up"?

I THINK that is the name of the song. Anyway, when I was a member of a group called "Rejoice", we sang a song called "Get up".

Now I am trying to find the words...but because it was so long ago, nobody remembers them!

I will give you what I rememberI do not remember verse 1, but I remember verse 2 very well)

Verse 2: Don't tell me, I know what you're thinking, what have I got to praise him for? I'm in the middle of this cold, dark trial and everything is falling apart.
Oh, but that's the difference in walking by faith and walking by sight. You can praise him for sunshine, in the middle of the night.

Chorus: Get up! Give the Lord the praise!
Get up! Give the Lord the praise!
You've been down so long, you can't see your way. Get up! Give the Lord the praise!

It was a contemporary christian song, but I cannot remember who performed it originally. If you know, please post. That song has been playing in my head and I cannot get it out.
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Old 01-06-2013, 10:27 PM
Ajclark74 Ajclark74 is offline
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Re: Does anyone know the lyrics to "Get up"?

This is weird because I was in a group called "Rejoice" and we sang this song. I actually sang the verses and remember them quite well...lol

Verse 1: I know, I can see, you don't think you can go on
Oh I understand, I know how it feels when things keep going wrong
It seems frustrations is my only companion
But I've learned you've got to see victory, before it happens

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