Originally Posted by Barb
Yes, it wasn't long ago at all...
Dear Lord Jesus,
Only You know just how to adequately minister to this family.
Although I have been through losing a small child twice, I can't
put into words today except to say "Just give it to Jesus, cast
it all upon HIm, our Burden Bearer, our Great Deliverer!!! My heart
pains as I know how it feels to lose little ones. Ours were 9 days
and 5 1/2 yrs.
May God minister to this family, this grandmother and these parents.
Their hearts have been recently broken open already but we MUST
TRUST and BELIEVE that GOD knows and will give them grace and
strength sufficient (enough) to carry them through this tragedy, in
The Sunday night after we buried our little 5 !/2 yr. old daughter,
we went to church and as they sang the old song, "Just A Little While
To stay here, just a little while to wait. Just a little while to labour, in
the path that's always straight. Just a little more of trouble, in this low
and sinful state. Then we'll enter heaven's portals, Sweeping through the
pearly gates.
Soon we'll meet again our loved ones and we'll take them by the hand,
Then we'll press them to our bosom, Over in the promised land. Then
we'll be at home forever, throughout all eternity. What a blessed, blessed
morning, That eternal morn will be!!
The words of that old song gave me the strength to go on a little further..
Could it be that sometimes He sends the little ones on ahead because
He knows that where our treasure is, there will be our heart also.