I do think that the term is a slam - based on the context in which you (not soley you) continually use it. It seems humerous to some that someone who has spent many years in an organization, gave to it, invested heavily in it and has loved it now feels compelled to leave it - not because he has changed - but because the stance of the organization is changing. What you seem to call ultra conservative was once the norm across much of our country in the UPCI. I know of one presbyter that some people consider to be ultra conservative that is one of the most balanced people that I know.
While the articles of faith have not changed substantially in recent years the attitude of some of our constituency toward what is written there is mere contempt and the enforcement of the articles in line with our written general constitution is almost never pursued by those elected to do so.
The man of whom you write (if I am correct) has given much over many years to see many souls saved and many churches started. I know of one pastor for whom he recently bought, renovated and furnished a church building. It is a shame to lose someone like that.
Maybe you would think me ultra conservative. I think the use of television in Apostolic Pentecostal homes is the recipe for disaster in our movement. Generally, those who have it do not even see how utterly worldly they have become. Many of those behind resolution #6 last year are merely trying to justify where they are already at in their compromise. I think that the use many of the video games that I've seen UPC kids and young people involved in as an extreme compromise, I don't wear short-sleeve shirts, I wear only white shirts when preaching, I still believe it is wrong for a Christian woman to cut her hair and fpr a Christian man not to cut his.
However, I also despise when preachers preach standards with a bittery acid-like spirit.
I've read enough to know how the term ultra-con is used in a way to demean, rather than praise. While some men ought to be blamed for rabid preaching (which is not holiness), most of those I've seen harangued on AFF are good men and not deserving of the venom spewed here.
I've read some good things that you've written, but I've seen you tend more toward the ranting about people or groups of people painted with a broad brush. You are clearly a bright person. Not many Apostolics would even know who Praxeas was. It is clear that you study the Word, but it would be nice to see you use your talents toward building people up, rather than tearing them down.
I am not trying to judge or condemn; I certainly don't mean it that way. I have friends that are more conservative than me in some respects and others that are more liberal than be in many respects, but we are all still friends. I believe in truth, holiness and UNITY. I do not believe however that we can sacrifice truth (including holiness) for unity - nor can we sacrifice unity for truth. We need both. I don't think that trying to openly label people as liberal, conservative or ultra conservative is beneficial. It only seems to serve to divide the body. Our Articles of Faith in the UPCI have been the core of belief that we decided we could AGREE upon - and we
must agree if we are to walk together (
Amos 3:3).
The continual assault of the Articles of Faith and General Constitution of our organization by elements that would like to substantially change the direction of the UPCI with regard to television and other issues is tending to the disunity of the body. That it has gone on with such unchecked fervency to the point where it makes good men wish to walk away from all that they've held dear in the organization is a sad day. But then, I would suspect that your opinion will differ from mine. Avieu.