Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
I know Apostolics that does not fit the Apostolic box either and I know people that fit the Apostolic box but ain't Apostolic. Doesn't matter. He does not fit that mold from the preaching I have heard. It seems that people love to try and crucify him and throw stones at him and they don't know him.
What does cares what "mold" you think he fits ?
You think
his style of preaching determines whether or not he's really Anglican... rather than the fact he has chosen to become ordained in an Anglican organization?
Wow. You are so in denial, JT. Even for you, this is mind boggling.
Take the blinders off, bro.
Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
HAHA....this is an example of how conditioning can trip a person out. Some people are so conditioned that there are "very signifigant differences" between Oneness and Trinity. Perhaps in your mind it is very different, but here in reality where I live it is not. A Trinitarian explaining the Godhead is similar to how a Oneness person does.
It is kinda like a Oneness person and a Trinitarian are both looking at a quarter. They are both trying to explain what the other person is looking at while describing the side that only they can see. Both are looking at the same quarter, but different points of view and doing it with different verbage. You might not agree and I am sure you won't but that it how it is.
Well, you've long seemed intent on blurring the lines between Oneness and Trinity, so I expect this kind of talk from you.
If I thought it would be a productive use of my time, I'd actually spell out some of those significant differences that you dont think are very significant. But why bother? If you cant see the very clear significant and distinctive differences between the two doctrines by now, nothing I say will make a difference anyway. But you're kidding yourself if you think Oneness and Trinity are just
two different ways of explaining the same thing.