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Old 10-21-2012, 08:14 AM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

You are very wrong in your description of the first board member. None of these grown children of the lifelong missionaries is on the board if TPC. Further, your description of the second board member is in extremely poor taste. And your description of the third is partially true; however, he is not related to the family you suggest he is. How do you people that openly post lies or assumptions on this open forum sleep at night? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. These are hurting people you are further inflicting injury upon. This has nothing to do with you! The only thing anyone outside of this situation should be doing is keeping their mouth shut except to utter a prayer for the Black family and the members of TPC.
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Old 10-21-2012, 08:55 AM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by Churchlady View Post
You are very wrong in your description of the first board member. None of these grown children of the lifelong missionaries is on the board if TPC. Further, your description of the second board member is in extremely poor taste. And your description of the third is partially true; however, he is not related to the family you suggest he is. How do you people that openly post lies or assumptions on this open forum sleep at night? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. These are hurting people you are further inflicting injury upon. This has nothing to do with you! The only thing anyone outside of this situation should be doing is keeping their mouth shut except to utter a prayer for the Black family and the members of TPC.
We here on the AFF have no way of knowing if what ANYONE is saying is true, much less yourself. Have you been on Facebook finding things out about this situation? I suspect so. What is the difference between reading something on Facebook as opposed to a post here?

As far as your highlighted words above, the people of the congregation of TB have been deeply hurt and shocked. They have a right to know what is happening to the church, their money, and their former pastor.

Obviously your saying that everyone needs to keep their mouth shut is coming from someone who has something you want to hide, and you don't want people talking, because you're afraid the truth may come out. ?? Is this so?

It seems every time I hear someone say this, just keep your mouth shut, and don't ask any questions is a blaring advertisement that indeed... there is something that is trying to be kept quiet and hidden, and the truth is being buried under a conglomeration of lies.

Most people who have posted on here have agreed that TB deserves forgiveness, and a place at the mercy seat, as do we all. However, his position begs answers, and there are repercussions to sins such as the ones he is accused of commiting.

If you are so familiar with the board, perhaps you need to remind them that the 800 or so souls in that congregation have been deeply hurt, and it would do a world of good to come clean, and bring some answers before the people, as CC1 has already posted above.
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Old 10-21-2012, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Churchlady View Post
You are very wrong in your description of the first board member. None of these grown children of the lifelong missionaries is on the board if TPC. Further, your description of the second board member is in extremely poor taste. And your description of the third is partially true; however, he is not related to the family you suggest he is. How do you people that openly post lies or assumptions on this open forum sleep at night? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. These are hurting people you are further inflicting injury upon. This has nothing to do with you! The only thing anyone outside of this situation should be doing is keeping their mouth shut except to utter a prayer for the Black family and the members of TPC.
It appears that the church is being divided into two sides:
1. Supporters of TB
2. Supporters of the church board

This is normal and unfortunate. Exaggerations are adding fuel to the fire. Sad! Prayers please for this church!
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Old 10-21-2012, 11:16 AM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
We here on the AFF have no way of knowing if what ANYONE is saying is true, much less yourself. Have you been on Facebook finding things out about this situation? I suspect so. What is the difference between reading something on Facebook as opposed to a post here?

As far as your highlighted words above, the people of the congregation of TB have been deeply hurt and shocked. They have a right to know what is happening to the church, their money, and their former pastor.

Obviously your saying that everyone needs to keep their mouth shut is coming from someone who has something you want to hide, and you don't want people talking, because you're afraid the truth may come out. ?? Is this so?

It seems every time I hear someone say this, just keep your mouth shut, and don't ask any questions is a blaring advertisement that indeed... there is something that is trying to be kept quiet and hidden, and the truth is being buried under a conglomeration of lies.

Most people who have posted on here have agreed that TB deserves forgiveness, and a place at the mercy seat, as do we all. However, his position begs answers, and there are repercussions to sins such as the ones he is accused of commiting.

If you are so familiar with the board, perhaps you need to remind them that the 800 or so souls in that congregation have been deeply hurt, and it would do a world of good to come clean, and bring some answers before the people, as CC1 has already posted above.
What I am trying to get across is that the people who are posting lies and assumptions are wrong. That is NOT what The Lord would have us as Christians do. The facts WILL come out in due time. However, that is something that needs to be within the TPC church body. We don't owe any divulgence of ANY details of this situation to the apostolic community. A measure of patience is often necessary in many aspects of our lives. Why not in this also? You seem to be trying to fight some "cause" on behalf of all TPCers demanding they be told the magical truth. Well, thanks but we don't need you to fight our battles. The Lord Himself is dealing with this. It is in Him we put our trust, not a bunch of strife driven busy bodies. When people get over their opinions and realize it's not what we think or what we want that matters we can be a real force to reckon with in soul winning. There are MANY patient members waiting on The Lord to have His way and believe me any wrong-doing on the part of a board or a saint can and will be dealt with by God. He won't be mocked. No amount of debate by those not involved is going to change things. I suspect that you would have us DEMAND the whole story be told to the members in hopes that some of us will come and post the whole truth here for you all to read the juicy details or perhaps that one totally lacking in wisdom would actually RECORD it and post it here for you all to hear. That would be rich now, wouldn't it?
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Old 10-21-2012, 12:38 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by ttpaba View Post
Oh my! I mean....geez, I'm stumped ok, ok so can anyone change it? Since the District man has agreed to be our interim pastor for I think 6 mths can he change it? If or I guess I should say when we elect a new pastor can he change it?
It has been almost a decade since I was in the UPC so some things could have changed. But when I was elected pastor of two different UPC churches the district encouraged the board to offer to resign after the election so that the new pastor (me) could appoint a new board. In both instances, I chose to retain the pre-existing board until we had our first business meeting. Even at that I kept all of the ones that desired to remain.

Our by-laws were set up as most that I know seeing there is a church government section in the UPC manual as a template. The pastor appoints board members and the voting members ratify his/her appointees. Most bylaws are also set that a church board will remain intact until a new pastor has been selected as to minimize the politics of people trying to change the board while not having a pastor.

The UPC also recommends boards that consist of not less than 3 not more that 7 members. But this is only a suggestion.

Typically, the church board can only be changed by an appoint by the pastor (who also serves as chairman of the board) and the ratification of the voting members, which takes a business meeting and a voting roster.

In some churches (especially in certain denominations) the church board runs for office and the members vote on them like we do in secular political offices. This scenario usually creates a board run church where every thing concerning church vision, church policy, and church leadership is at the mercy of the board--including the pastor's spiritual vision for the congregation.

Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
Pelathais, I sure hope you don't get banned for telling the truth.

I have seen so many lies posted. The best one is the one Triumphant 1 did his best to combat. You know, the hair cutting party thing?

Prominent members of this board chose to believe the lie and even continue to spread it, even though T1 had totally proved it was false.
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Old 10-21-2012, 01:22 PM
ttpaba ttpaba is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

I regretfully posted incorrect information regarding the board at TPC. I had gotten in my head that the big family member was on the board but that was incorrect, I got mixed up on that particular persons role in all of this. I have deleted the post and sincerely apologize for my inaccurate information.
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Old 10-21-2012, 01:32 PM
ttpaba ttpaba is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by StillStanding View Post
It appears that the church is being divided into two sides:
1. Supporters of TB
2. Supporters of the church board

This is normal and unfortunate. Exaggerations are adding fuel to the fire. Sad! Prayers please for this church!
I really, really hope that this doesn't happen but I hear it happens this way. I think our human nature leads us to choose sides but in this situation there are so many sides we look like a lopsided 3D decagon.
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Old 10-21-2012, 01:46 PM
ttpaba ttpaba is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by Churchlady View Post
You are very wrong in your description of the first board member. None of these grown children of the lifelong missionaries is on the board if TPC. Further, your description of the second board member is in extremely poor taste. And your description of the third is partially true; however, he is not related to the family you suggest he is. How do you people that openly post lies or assumptions on this open forum sleep at night? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. These are hurting people you are further inflicting injury upon. This has nothing to do with you! The only thing anyone outside of this situation should be doing is keeping their mouth shut except to utter a prayer for the Black family and the members of TPC.
You are correct to point out my mistake in my description of the board at TPC. I have in haste gotten confused on the role that certain church members played in the process that has lead to us, I did say US because I am a member of TPC, without a pastor for which I still don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.
This is in regards to my description of Board member number one.
Your opinion that my description of Board member number two is in extremely poor taste is an opinion you are free to have. Poor taste is not something intended but if you know the church, if you know the members, if you attend TPC then I'd ask you to PM me an understanding that would describe Board member number two in a tasteful way that includes his connections and demeanor.
Since I've been made aware of my confusion on the board members I'm not sure that board member number three is the correct one because some say the man I described removed himself from the board and some say otherwise.
I made the the incorrect description, I can blame no other, I pray forgiveness.
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Old 10-21-2012, 02:11 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by Churchlady View Post
What I am trying to get across is that the people who are posting lies and assumptions are wrong. That is NOT what The Lord would have us as Christians do. The facts WILL come out in due time. However, that is something that needs to be within the TPC church body. We don't owe any divulgence of ANY details of this situation to the apostolic community. A measure of patience is often necessary in many aspects of our lives. Why not in this also? You seem to be trying to fight some "cause" on behalf of all TPCers demanding they be told the magical truth. Well, thanks but we don't need you to fight our battles. The Lord Himself is dealing with this. It is in Him we put our trust, not a bunch of strife driven busy bodies. When people get over their opinions and realize it's not what we think or what we want that matters we can be a real force to reckon with in soul winning. There are MANY patient members waiting on The Lord to have His way and believe me any wrong-doing on the part of a board or a saint can and will be dealt with by God. He won't be mocked. No amount of debate by those not involved is going to change things. I suspect that you would have us DEMAND the whole story be told to the members in hopes that some of us will come and post the whole truth here for you all to read the juicy details or perhaps that one totally lacking in wisdom would actually RECORD it and post it here for you all to hear. That would be rich now, wouldn't it?
My point remains that the church needs to be involved with the process that is taking place. Truly, no one else, but the church members, need to know the details, but speculation and rumors could be set aside should there be a meeting where church members were informed of the process and decisions taking place. That information certainly wouldn't need to go beyond the church walls... but knowing human nature, no doubt it would.
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Old 10-21-2012, 03:11 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

"I suspect that you would have us DEMAND the whole story be told to the members in hopes that some of us will come and post the whole truth here for you all to read the juicy details or perhaps that one totally lacking in wisdom would actually RECORD it and post it here for you all to hear. That would be rich now, wouldn't it?"

Actually, what would be really rich is if
anyone concerned who had even a hint of
impropriety resigned, like even a worldly
corporation would do.
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