Originally Posted by Rev
I have a good one for you. If you want to get the young preachers hands dirty so to speak, let them start preaching in a nursing home. That's where I started out. If they can preach there they can preach anywhere.
But it is also where I saw my first miracle.
Originally Posted by Steadfast
Let's just say that's a 'sore spot' for my young ministers! hehehe
I let my Nursing Home Ministry Director have 'free reign' with my young preachers. I say exactly that: "If you can preach in a nursing home you can preach anywhere!"
Well there is hope for me yet!
That and hospital visitation.
I think for any minister to be "well rounded" he needs to have "exposure" to different ministries and be willing to serve anywhere.
Good thread Steadfast!
Question-what advice could you give "new/young ministers?"