Originally Posted by CC1
Don't confuse the Paulites with a scientific poll. They are blindly clutching to voluntary online polls that an organized campgain can skew and organized
"straw polls" subject to the same.
They have an amazing way of ignoring these posts and facts. Apparently the kind of ostriches that only raise their head out of the sand to see what they want to see.
By the way. Here is the difference between myself and the delusional Paulites on this forum.
I am a realist. I will not try to spin the actual status and standing of my canidate in the race.
Fred Thompson is second in all of the REAL polls right now behind Rudi BUT I understand that this is the honeymoon period. He has not yet been tested as a campaigner and debator.
We will have to see if he can hold his own in debates with his fellow canidates and out on the road with stump speeches drumming up support.
You will not see any distortions of his popularity by me based on voluntary online polls that can be maniuplated. I will face the reality of how he is doing throughout the campaign.