Originally Posted by Bowas
I fail to see why Ron PAul does not have a chance other than the majority of Americans can no longer think for themselves and allow the main stream media dictate to the masses who is viable and who are fringe. An American statesman does not have much of a chance as long as most Americans continue to drink the kool aid served daily on the news.
We are Americans and must never forget, we ultimately determine our future, not the media.
We have been brain washed into believing a real American is fringe and does not have a chance, I do not believe it!
God Bless America!
Amen, God Bless America!
Now, the real reason why RP will fail and why his attempt won't even be a blip in the history of this great land:
1) The "fringe" he supports is the crackpot Rosie O'Donnell fringe of tin foil hats and UFO alien conspiracy theorists. Sadly, this encompasses a large part of the Oneness Apostolic movement today, but not enough votes to get elected.
2) Ron Paul is not a consensus builder. To get anything done in a nation of 300 million people, you must be able to get people of many different viewpoints to agree on something. Otherwise you will have a nation where the Interstate bridges are falling into the rivers and millions of people will come here illegally and demand government checks.
3) He won't win for the same reason my congressman won't win. When he's right, he's very right but he has never learned how to knock down a windmill. Don Quixote was another such loser; beautiful and romantic, but a loser.