This at a time when the Government brought in not only Balanced budgets for the last 12 years, but surpluses too!
In those last 12 years they managed to pay down the federal debt by 90 Billion dollars!!!
Not bad for Canuckstan north!
and again we find a point to point at.
I might (stress 'might') be more inclined to the notion of America's congress passing Universal Healthcare if they had that kind of track record....
we dont. not even close. instead we have better than 2 trillion dollars in debt and that number is rising. We have a national discussion of nationalizing the banking system. we have a spirialing stock market, rising unemployment, and tax evaders running the economy.
The only honest person in congress is Maxine Waters and she wants to nationalize the oil industry!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Comparing a universal health care system in Canada vs the USA is comparing apples and oranges.
If you look at the demographics Canada has a much more homogenized population. Less of the bottom of the socio econoic scale ghetto dwellers who would use and abuse a universal health care system like they have done any other government program designed to help them.
But don't they already?
It's not the ones on the bottom, or the ones on top, who don't have health care... it's the ones in the middle (many of them).
".. However we have proven to be less than effective at getting folk their mail...."
Ferd, I never had a problem getting my mail. While we're on this subject...what about people, like myself, who've had a heart attack, uninsured. Pre-existing condition prevents me from buying health insurance!
I've been preaching and pastoring over 30 years...No company will even sell me insurance!
13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. Galatians 5:13-15 (NIV)
Ferd, I never had a problem getting my mail. While we're on this subject...what about people, like myself, who've had a heart attack, uninsured. Pre-existing condition prevents me from buying health insurance!
I've been preaching and pastoring over 30 years...No company will even sell me insurance!
Theophil, Im not suggesting by any means that we dont have issues with healthcare. but really your willing to trust our government to create a workable solution by creating a Universal Healthcare system?
and while we may get our mail from the post office, please read any of a whole slew of recent news articles about the post office.
they are sinking fast. Its a messed up system.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Theophil, Im not suggesting by any means that we dont have issues with healthcare. but really your willing to trust our government to create a workable solution by creating a Universal Healthcare system?
A high deductible catastrophic policy combined with health savings accounts. Tort reform would also help -maybe not as high of a % as some may think, but not chump change either.
This would ensure the absolutely largest percentage of people the best health care.
We've already got universal health care in the United States. Even if you don't have insurance you can get treated in emergency rooms. Then when you're billed you just don't pay. The insurance company shoves that loss off on the rest of us who pay our insurance premiums. So far there's over 50 million Americans who are uninsured and pay NOTHING for the heath care they get. That's why WE are paying such high premiums.
Now, if we had a government health care system in which EVERYONE paid SOMETHING into the system it would mediate costs drastically. Over 30% of health care costs are currently administrative. A universal system would also cut this cost tramendously. Not to mention, a government plan would unshackle business from having to provide this for employees, citizens would carry their own government plans. It would be great for business. Right now foreign businesses don't have this extra burden, the citizens pay into a national system leaving business to do what it does best, do business and bring in a profit.
So the truth is... we already have universal health care in the US. The problem is our model is one of the most expensive on the planet.
That's because the biller is insulated from the consumer. Introduce regular market forces and costs could be contained. Also, we have a plethora of empty hospital beds in many urban areas but a dearth of them in many rural areas.
It probably all comes down to some bean counting bureaucrat in Ohio gumming up the works. Paint that guy's office a soothing color with some of the "stimulus" money and the whole system will clear itself out in a few days.
I might (stress 'might') be more inclined to the notion of America's congress passing Universal Healthcare if they had that kind of track record....
we dont. not even close. instead we have better than 2 trillion dollars in debt and that number is rising. We have a national discussion of nationalizing the banking system. we have a spirialing stock market, rising unemployment, and tax evaders running the economy.
The only honest person in congress is Maxine Waters and she wants to nationalize the oil industry!
Ferd, I think you're not thinking beyond your ideology. You see with the "laiza faire capitalism" running amuck we're seeing the collapse of banking etc., leaving a strong push for nationalization. Regulatory protections and governmental standards can insure that these vital industries continue another generation. I've heard of communists who praise the American "wild west" system, because it will bring them closer to their agenda as industries fail and wealth is conglomerated into a few hands.