Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
You sir are uneducated at best. Look at Libya before Muammar. I challenge you to do your own research. Education and better running water were just some of the things that happened to Libya under Muammar. Lumping him with Hitler is sheepish at best. Saddam did kill some of his people but no where on the level of hitler and no where deserving to be took out like he was. Again, look at the chaos that ensued after these men where taken out.
FMC - been called lots of things, but uneducated has not been one of them.
That's pretty funny!
Libya, under Muammar, where he or his sons could kill anyone they wanted. Take any woman they wanted and generally cause havoc.
Iraq, under Saddam, where his sons could kill anyone they wanted, rape any woman they wanted and generally cause havoc again!
To educate yourself, go read some of the first-person accounts of men and women who were raped, tortured or had their family killed by one of these tyrants.
I myself know individuals (civilians) who were shot, without reason or warning by the Iraqi military just because they could.
I've heard their stories and seen their scars.
Have you read about the numerous "rape rooms" they have found in Libya?
Have you read about Saddam's goons feeding people to wood chippers?
As I said the only reason these did not approach Adolf's body count was the economy of scale and lack of opportunity.
They were the same monsters and served the same master.