Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind
Not only new DS, but two new presbyters were elected this year. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the rumor is some want to do it again in 1-2 yrs to create a Northern California District.
At least they will have good music there with Thad playing. I hope he can do the 1812 Overture for the Fireworks!
darkwing and my drummer are coming to help too. we are playing for the local choir and worship services.
I heard the same thing you did. this is a few years away. thing is, there are pastors and preachers who, geographically, are in certain areas but insisting they want to be with this District or that district instead of their own. I don't know how they will sort that out.
here are some of the names circling around who might end up running to replace Mullings: Rick Keyes, Allan Abbey, nate wilson, V. Morton