Originally Posted by Sam
I think you are referencing "Sinners In The Hands of An Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards. I think I read somewhere that he held that sermon in both hands and read it to the congregation.
Oops, yes, sinners, not children. Thanks.
Yes, I'm sure he probably read it. I know it was prepared in advance. A sermon doesn't have to be yelled to be angry. It doesn't have to come with "hah"s at the end-hah of every-hah word-hah. But pronouncements of anger, wrath, and judgment don't lastingly change a person. A person might change while certain people are watching or while the threat looms over them, but their heart hasn't changed. Love is much more likely to produce an eternal effect.
And talking loudly (AKA turning up the sound system, giving it more bass) has negative effects in other environments too:
5. You yell.
Even if you aren't screaming angrily at your employees, speaking loudly can damage workplace morale, says Ms. Pachter, the management coach. "Employees will constantly feel like they're being reprimanded, and they'll avoid you if there's ever a problem," she says.