Originally Posted by GrowingPains
What do these guys believe? Are they affiliated with an organization? Similar to Promiseland crew?
HG w/tongues, but as empowerment, not salvation? Or HG is automatic at baptism? Or HG w/tongues as intitial evidence of salvation? What is the church size? Same church that Israel Houghton used to lead worship at?
Originally Posted by Monkeyman
I think there is some interest cuz word on the street is, some UPC dudes bolted to this church recently.
Originally Posted by Monkeyman
I ain't sayin nuthin'! That's all I'm sayin'
Well, let me help you.
This church has deep roots in Pentecost. It was initially started by Frank Jones who once sat on the Texas board. It is now pastored by his two sons, Brett and Scott. They were UPCI ministers also.
They pulled out of the UPC in 1998. They hold a PCI position, GP.
Today it is a growing, thriving and vibrant church that averages over 3400 people and has 4 services beginning on Saturday night and 3 services on Sunday.
Many on the ministers on staff also have deep ties to the UPC. One pastor is the son of Charles Colgrove, of Grand Rapids, MI, who was the only pastor from MI to pull out because of the Affirmation Statement in 1992. Chuck Jr. is married to Urshanna, grand daughter of Nathaniel Urshan.
Chuck's dad is retired and now also attending this church.
Worship is led by Hector Soto who has apostolic roots in E. Texas, I believe, and attended JCM. Scott and his wife, Melanie, also attended JCM.
Recently a couple of former UPC ministers have left the Michigan area to help as staff pastors - Roland Baker, and now the former youth president of the Michigan district, Robby Emery.
One more popular former UPCI minister of repute should be joining the Grace staff in the very near future.
GP, The baptism of the Holy Ghost is taught as a real salvational experience that is for empowerment of a repentant, born-again (regenerate) believer. This has been the mainstream Pentecostal view since Asuza.
Also, Houghton, has strong ties with this church and will be holding his Deeper conference there as he has done for the last several years.
Finally, Scott Jones now heads Global Network of Christian Ministries (
global-ministries.com) an organization that fellowships both Oneness and Trinitarian ministers. It was started in the 1980's I believe by former UPC minister L.H. Hardwick. Scott assumed the reins as chairman when Jack Dehart, former UPC board member, fell ill with cancer. Many former UPCI ministers in 1992 and there after have flocked to Global.
Promiseland in Austin, by the way, GP is still very much a 3 step Water and Spirit church under Pastor Kenneth Phillips. I recommend you visit the Promiseland website and read their materials.