I have thought about this for a few days considering the spiritual warfare part of it.
I remembered the house Sister Randall lived in out in Erath.It was so full of spirits.Things would be slammed across the room in the middle of the night.No kidding.They never did care to live there even after annointing it and praying over it.We used to take tour or homes together and would often be able to comment on
what spirit a house had over it.Its true.A house has often spirits that dwell there due to the people who lived in it or the history of the property.I researched the city we were building a church in and began to war and pray against those particular spirits and saw God do a mighty thing.I asked him to tear down the foundations of the city and rebuild it in truth and brotherly love.The place was
established as a rice mill by a Jewish family that owned a liquer refinery in Poland.
The place was full of hard working alcoholics.We began to pray and fast together as a church against it.The mill shut down and has never been reopened for rice.
One of the main bars closed and was torn down and a nice establishment that provided jobs shut down.Other means of employment began to open up and the city is actually doing better than it has ever done.
Before I would ever take on another house and property I would definately
find out all the history of the property and began to break those strongholds
by prayer and fasting.