Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
Churches have zero right being tax exempt.
Without income tax, how are we going to pay for that bloated defense budget you GOPers love so much? That is about the only thing we are actually number one in the world at.
1. I am not a Republican.
2. Reminds me of the news interview with Ron Paul in front of the capital. He mentioned abolishing the income tax. The interviewer thought he had a "gotcha!" and asked something like "how can government operate with no income tax?" Paul pointed out the building he was standing in front of, the legislative seat of America, was built long before there was an income tax.
3. The income tax doesn't "pay for" government. Government operates on debt from large investors (like the Fed Reserve and China). Income taxes are deposited with the Fed Reserve, not the Treasury Dept.
4. Ever heard of a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report)? Governments (local, state, and federal) keep two sets of books. One is the Budget, which is full of balderdash and is used to convince "voters" they need to "donate" ever increasing amounts of their neighbor's property and wealth to "finance" elected and appointed officials' abilities to increase that Budget. The other is the CAFR and it's NEVER TALKED ABOUT if possible, because it shows the actual assets of government agencies. Practically every government agency is running a huge surplus.
5. The power to tax is the power to destroy. Is the church of Jesus Christ tributary to Caesar? Well, most people don't really believe in the KINGDOM of God, they just believe in a social club called "religion". Caesar could care less where you think you go when you die, and has zero interest in liturgical rites of your choosing. But start believing "ALL authority in heaven and earth" has been given to Christ, the rightful and currently living heir to the throne of David and heir of the world, and you will get Caesar's attention right quick.
6. The income tax is a Communist policy objective (no, literally, it is... read the "Ten Planks" of the Communist Manifesto). Someone wiser than I once said "It is good not to practice what our enemies desire us to practice" and that person was right.
7. Modern 501(c)3 non profits calling themselves churches aren't churches of God any more than the Three Self Patriotic church in Communist China is. Or the Russian Orthodox Church was during Soviet era Russia. When churches get in bed with the Whore they get STDs (Spiritually Transmitted Diseases) like idolatry (pinch of incense) and Baal-worship and all sorts of goodies.
8. The "defense budget" is designed for three things: Empire, Domestic Control, and a Pig Trough for every sucking leech with aspirations of a life of luxury. We have ALWAYS been at war with Eurasia, donchaknow?