To sum up the President's term less than one year into office is very unwise.
However, I hope the President is made aware of the comparisons and chooses to go down a different road instead.
Every President has had to deal with benchmarks and comparisons, not just your mancrush.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
In the end, President Obama is much more Conservative than Carter would ever be, more Conservative than the liberal media and the GOP will ever assign him.
This and the quote below are downright laughable. Name one conservative thing BHO has done.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
His deliberately slow actions on his Afghanistan policies is an example of his truly conservative nature.
His "deliberately slow actions" for Afghanistan has nothing to do with being conservative ... it has to do with him having no idea on what to do. His dithering is due to indecisiveness and the typical democratic inability to make tough military decisions.
Every President has had to deal with benchmarks and comparisons, not just your mancrush.
This and the quote below are downright laughable. Name one conservative thing BHO has done.
His "deliberately slow actions" for Afghanistan has nothing to do with being conservative ... it has to do with him having no idea on what to do. His dithering is due to indecisiveness and the typical democratic inability to make tough military decisions.
It's the old funny saying....
"I'm their leader, which way did they go?"
Obama is clueless on foreign policy. He is still trying to figure out where afghanistan is. He thought they said afghan, and told them his granny makes those all the time!
Calling Obama conservative is funny. Someone needs to take off the rose colored glasses.
The original bailout leaps immediately to mind, and how it was rushed through so quickly that very few people even had time to really disect it. I still say that as opposed as I was to both Bush's and Obama's bailouts, I think we have a better picture of where the Obama money went and how it was spent.
The first bailout from Bush went to the little guys, you and me. How much did you see from Obama's little frat party?
The ones that did see it did not need it!
The comparison quickly fades when looked at in reality.
Actually, GWB took criticism because the focus of his bail out WAS NOT to help the average citizen.
Funny how people like to rewrite history just to make a false point, in order to make a false assessment of someone seem all the more credible.
Like I said. I'm not a fan of either bailout, but comparing them objectively there appears to me a bit more transparency and accountability in the Obama bailout package. Personally, I have not seen anything from either one. I don't recall info on what was going to states and what restrictions were being placed on the money given to companies. It seemed that the Obama administration for better or worse was more interested in being involved with the companies that received our money.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois