It goes against nature itself.
Look at it from a strictly evolutionary standpoint (which I don't believe & consider evolution a lie from hell) for the sake of argument, it is even against evolution.
If Homosexuality floods the human race, our species will stop.
It's not right for a girl to be singled out and embarrassed for her views. It's not right for a boy to be assaulted for being (mistakenly, as it turned out) gay or for supporting gay rights. Both sides need to chill.
and, in my opinion, it is not right for a person who may believe they fit into the GLBT group to be singled out, teased, picked on, insulted, harassed, nor given special privileges or recognition based on their "sexual orientation."
Look at it from a strictly evolutionary standpoint (which I don't believe & consider evolution a lie from hell) for the sake of argument, it is even against evolution.
If Homosexuality floods the human race, our species will stop.
Anyway you look at it--it is bad!
Yeah, if it floods the human race. And that tells us that it is therefore evil? Is it also evil not to get married, or for a straight couple not to have children, by choice? Or to stop having children after a certain number?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Spoke with my sister after she picked up her boys. One is in Jr High, the other in a different High School than last year. The one in HS said he only saw 3 with DOS t-shirts on and unlike his other HS, there were no fliers taped on the walls. The one in Jr. High said he didn't see any in his school either.
One reason could be because of Mormon Church involvement. Here in the PHX east valley the Mormon Church is probably the largest outside of Utah. There are a lot of mormons on school boards, in the administration and other areas. Whispers were that the Mormon Church gently pressured its members and the school boards to keep from promoting the event ... if the students did, so be it, but no help was to come from the schools, especially mormon members.