Originally Posted by Rhoni
From the statistics here: I would compare AFF with the Gladiator sport of Roman times when the bloodletting was a sport and man came to watch and cheer the death of a warrior!
My thread got very little attention when it was doing what it was posted to do, entertain and give advice that might help someone on their way...what it was turned into by others:
Coonskinner, RRFORD, Chan, and the hanger's on...was a place to accuse Rhoni of:
#1. Hiding past sins in her life
#2. Using the forum to promote her ministry
#3. Incite rebellion
#4. To bash preachers [when the only one getting bashed was Rhoni]
#5. To discredit my life, my ministry, my profession
This is what got the most attention...the fact men could intimidate, invalidate, destroy reputation of a woman trying her best to live and love God.
This forum could have intelligent and stimulating conversation but the holiest of us all are such as have posted these awful things. They have disrupted the flow of conversations, riddled threads with their judgments, accusations, and their holier than thou attitudes...and then we have Malvaro getting out the buttered popcorn to watch. Many too afraid to come to my defense and those that did...afraid to post more because they too will get bashed.
If I knew how to post all the different posts and line them up for others to look at...I would...but as it is...go to the Dear Rhoni thread and read it for yourself...if you haven't already.
This is what AFF has come to...and who is the one to blame? The spirit of the devil which many give in to in the name of righteousess...
It pains me to have to do this...
But you are being silly again.
You listed me as one of the ones who have turned this potentially wonderful forum into a virtual coliseum where bloodletting is the order of the day, and where bashing you is the favorite sport of all.
Not so.
This statement of yours is especially goofy:
This is what got the most attention...the fact men could intimidate, invalidate, destroy reputation of a woman trying her best to live and love God.
Rhoni, if I
wanted to try and marginalize you and shred your credibility (which I don't), there is no way I could do a better job than you are doing for yourself when you make these assinine "battle of the sexes" accusations.
What you seem to want is freedom from any kind of scrutiny or accountability for what you post. To be able to get on here and pontificate about anything you like, and say anything you want, no matter how far out, and have no one question or challenge you.
Sis, that isn't the way this whole forum thing works. We discuss. We dialogue.
If you want to be able to publish your thoughts in all their convoluted feminist glory without anyone callenging you, get a blog. Or start a diary. Or tape record yourself talking so you can listen in your car or while you do housework or whatever.
Look, you never offend me, so don't fret about that.
But I do think it is silly for you to imply that I am some kind of woman hating crusader who lives to put "the little woman" under my boot heels.
I converse and interact cordially with lots of ladies on this forum, and try to be a gentleman. I think you would find that the vast majority of them would disagree with your idea that I have a desire to intimidate women.
Let me just offer you a little food for thought...did it ever occur to you that it might be your
ideas that I disagree with, and that it is not personal with me? That it has everything to do with your content and not your gender? Look, I have no personal anymosity toward you.
It isn't that I dislike strong women either; I was raised by one, and revere her and others like her. In fact, I married one.
And please don't tell me it is your intelligence that intimidates me, as you have said in the past. I love talking with smart people of whichever gender, and believe it or not, you aren't the only one around here.
It isn't your degrees. I don't flaunt it here or anywhere, but I have some myself. Graduated
Cum Laude from a secular university, with a 4.0 average in my degree program.
I have read one or two books in my day and been a place or two.
So that stuff won't wash.
You really need to stop and think that if it looks like everybody is out of step except you, your perception could be a little off.
Have a nice day.