Originally Posted by BuckeyeBukaroo
You write this as if you think that they are scheming and planning to get the man. If he is as spotless as he putting himself out there to be (Mister-I-Was-A-Virgin-For-A-Long-Time), then nothing they say or do will stop his confirmation.
Currently the media is the mouthpiece of the Democrat Party. Yesterday and today should make that crystal clear. Every talking point the Democrats on the Committee made yesterday and today have been parroted by the media on CNN, MSNBC, etc.
The media has had articles and news segments already writing and talking about how to impeach BK, should he win the confirmation vote. I'm not making stuff up.
FTR, there are men who have remained virgins. Why are you skeptical of that? I remained a virgin until I was married in my early 30s. It was not uncommon during BK's generation, or even mine.
Also, make no mistake. When BK's FBI investigation report comes back with nothing, these Democrats will find something else for which to delay. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if during the delay there's more dirt and innuendo thrown at BK.
The SCOTUS seat BK is replacing was a "swing vote." Justice Kennedy was nominated by a Republican POTUS, but he was known for being a swing vote. BK would likely, based on his judicial history, change that to a solid conservative vote.
That is why the Democrats are fighting dirty and doing whatever they can to stop BK.