Mmmmm, I guess I just never considered myself asking for forgiveness or forgivness for being an imperfect human "self-flagellation".
Sure, I know, i didn't either-when you're imperfect, repent, by all means, fully. Ponder it later that you may not repeat it. But practically speaking, it should be instantaneous, at the look on your playmates face, like a little kid would do, imo.
Because Christ died for us, and rose from the dead.
Sure, I know, i didn't either-when you're imperfect, repent, by all means, fully. Ponder it later that you may not repeat it. But practically speaking, it should be instantaneous, at the look on your playmates face, like a little kid would do, imo.
Because Christ died for us, and rose from the dead.
...playmates face?
Surely, your posts are a textbook case of confusion, either that or Nostradamus type wisdom. I have no idea.
Oh yes, and the cow jumped over the moon! I am the walrus!
Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.
Surely, your posts are a textbook case of confusion, either that or Nostradamus type wisdom. I have no idea.
Oh yes, and the cow jumped over the moon! I am the walrus!
Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.
playmate to me, as "life, more abundantly" mostly translates into a delightful kind of, um, forest frolicking...but nevermind that right now, if you see any apparent confusion please name it, and trust that being in the presence of someone fully awakened, at least, will bear distinct resemblance to an acid trip, although I personally dislike the ref, and I apologize, as I try to stifle stuff, at least edit it sometimes, ha, can't be improving my rep any, lol : )
Um well, I was on Randy's repentance for no sin, or for being human; I actually hate this. Taken to its logical extreme for illumination, it is self-flagellation born of false condemnation, carefully instilled at the Council of Trent despite all protests to common sense.
Born a sinner, which you are not, what yack. Augustine himself personally denied most of this as doctrinal, and he invented it.
Just picture how the mass of humanity viewed the Flagellants, and contrast that with someone demonstrating "Life, more abundantly," even if they never crack a Bible, and decide who might convert more people to Christ.
As for your point, I believe just what the Bible says, lol just like you and everyone else here : ) only wait "physical death,"="reward," right? So we're clear on that. "the day of a man's death is better than his birth." Ok, so right there, we are being told that physical death=joy (or that the day of your spiritual death is somehow better than the day of your spiritual birth, doubtful), so it must be spiritual death that is followed by judgement, the only kind God cares about, as He has power over physical death, it is not even a consideration. "...and either a wonderful eternal fate or a horrible one?" Exactly, as long as by "eternal" you mean right now, which is all it is ever going to be. This means "understand I AM," and "the Kingdom of Heaven beside you," right now, on tap, God's judgement easily discernible in your playmates--lol, sorry, I guess most of us prolly still consider them "neighbors" (won't, you be, my neighbor)--in your, um, neighbor's face, and yes, this will, hold true, for all eternity, which I don't know if I've pointed out yet or not can only ever be right now. The Bible gives absolutely no support for anything in some magical future that cannot be obtained RIGHT NOW. I AM is not I will be or I have been, which doesn't mean that I haven't been, or won't be, which is why we have to understand I AM. It becomes obvious why the AM is capitalized, for emphasis; a title would have been I Am, yes?
And silly, everybody knows that "no one knows where they go when they die." We have a noise for it, "Paradise," again ignoring the irrelevant, "Sheol," where your body goes...which would seem to be quite description enough, after all, it's...Paradise, right? We are clear that there is no Biblical support for anyone's final resting place being Heaven, I hope, yikes how did that fairy tale get started God is not interested in any intrusion into His realm, the Bible clearly states, many times, that Heaven is coming down here to earth, so Paradise. Oh, remember that that is where the rich man went, too, though...
I got a poser for ya; how might the rich man's day of his death, "over there" on the "other side of a great gulf, and thirsty," be better than the day of his birth, hmm...
I don't know what Annihilationism or Universalism are, but ok I'm seeing them now--"Annihilationism," "no one knows where they go when they die." Universalism "Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess." But of course I don't believe in them, as my God is jealous.
Here's the question we've all wanted answered since ten minutes before/after we got "saved;"
Ok, God, if I do all this stuff, when I get to Heaven, will i still be me?
I didn't mention heaven in my question, did I? I was trying to ask if you believed there would be either a good or bad afterlife. Wasn't asking about here and now. When you die, or perhaps in a resurrection coming long after you die, or whatever: will you (your soul, your spirit, something that is, in essence, "you") go somewhere (or enter some state) that is either a reward or a punishment? Something like Lazarus and the rich man, e.g.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
And, by the way, physical death does not always = reward. Even if the writer of Ecclesiastes had some ironic, metaphoric, hyperbolic, or in any other way nonliteral meaning behind it, physical death is sometimes (even most often, perhaps) a bad thing. Every time someone is killed or dies by disease, or starvation, or an accident, or by murder, it's not in any way a good thing. I don't see the relevance to my question, anyway.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I didn't mention heaven in my question, did I? I was trying to ask if you believed there would be either a good or bad afterlife. Wasn't asking about here and now. When you die, or perhaps in a resurrection coming long after you die, or whatever: will you (your soul, your spirit, something that is, in essence, "you") go somewhere (or enter some state) that is either a reward or a punishment? Something like Lazarus and the rich man, e.g.
Ha, no, you didn't mention heaven; but we aren't talking in a vacuum. Um, afterlife--we're going to be talking at cross-purposes here, also, as long as your conception of "eternity" is the same as everyone elses, which I already suspect it is not.
God has a completely different conception of eternity than that image we all carry around in our minds from our youth, and so your question, which would seem to be the height of relevance, actually has no relevance at all; so I can't even really accurately say "no."
Eternity for most of us is a sparkly (or not) future place that we will all get to someday. It literally does not exist. You will never grok eternity like this, because for you this eternity is happening in some tomorrow, that you aren't even promised. there is no aspect of eternity that is not available to you right now, and no Scriptural basis, whatsoever, to assume one. And yes, i know about all those verses, and they are completely accurate, of course.
Ok, and when I write "you," hopefully the collective "you" is understood; I don't mean Timmy.
Ha, no, you didn't mention heaven; but we aren't talking in a vacuum. Um, afterlife--we're going to be talking at cross-purposes here, also, as long as your conception of "eternity" is the same as everyone elses, which I already suspect it is not.
God has a completely different conception of eternity than that image we all carry around in our minds from our youth, and so your question, which would seem to be the height of relevance, actually has no relevance at all; so I can't even really accurately say "no."
Eternity for most of us is a sparkly (or not) future place that we will all get to someday. It literally does not exist. You will never grok eternity like this, because for you this eternity is happening in some tomorrow, that you aren't even promised. there is no aspect of eternity that is not available to you right now, and no Scriptural basis, whatsoever, to assume one. And yes, i know about all those verses, and they are completely accurate, of course.
Ok, and when I write "you," hopefully the collective "you" is understood; I don't mean Timmy.
Mmmmmkay, moving right along.....
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty