Originally Posted by kclee4jc
I remember hearing a message from AMC....don't even remember who preached it. He addressed young ministers and said "You need to start writing down your convictions and the things God has put in your heart and go back every year and examine that list. Don't ever take anything away or compromise it. Add to it but don't take anything away from it."
All I can say is that I pray to God if The Lord tarries another 30 years and I live to have children and grandchildren, I will still believe in all of this listed and that they will too.
God himself prohibited adding to his word, which the Pharisees disregarded and they also created their own lists.
It is silly to create any sort of list, everything is already written down in the Bible, creating a list is adding to the Bible.
Such creating of lists, goes against the commandment of God of adding to his word, it is rebellion and disobedience to God.
Why would a person add to the Bible?
I have zero lists, because everything that is to be preached is already listed in the Bible.
I do not have the "wisdom" necessary to add to God's word, but apparently some preachers think they are qualified.